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As humans, because of our capacity to reason, because of our physical strength, because our ability to create we think we are enough to make thinks RIGHT. But is that true, are we enough to make things right? And more importantly, are we enough to keep things right? What about you, is a life well spent, spent on the making and keeping things right?

When, in moments of silence, we finally facedown ourselves with no audience to impress or to fool and let the mask ,we’ve been hiding behind down, we are reminded that we are broken!

The paralytic and the four that went to great lengths to deliver their friend to Jesus for forgiveness & healing, digging and lowering him through a roof, we see a picture of desperation.

Meet a God who is ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED to you and powerfully demonstrates His commitment, not just in words but deeds! He SHOWS UP, guaranteed!

The verdict is in NOT GUILTY! We are invited to step into Christ’s Righteousness and exchange our: Sin, Guilt, Shame, Brokenness and Death because of Christ’s finished work at the cross "Change" is a REAL possibility. It is time to EMBRACE the life that you are living regardless of what it seems to throw at you. Remember if God is For YOU, then who has the power to really stand against God and His will in your life? NO ONE!

A REAL LIFE look at sex, love, marriage, singleness, culture, family and YOU! It's going to get REAL and HONEST. So choose to join the conversation and bring who you are into the journey!

In a letter to Followers of Christ living in the city of Colossai, Paul implores his fledgling church to cling to Christ and Christ's way which is absolutely superior to their old way of doing life. Paul also, challenges you and me, as modern day Followers to be dependent on Christ alone and His power to transform our lives!

As we explore this Letter of Paul’s to the Colossians lets not forget the back drop, that Following Jesus and sharing the Gospel just might cost you everything, even your life. The times were serious, the church in Colossae was being attacked from within, a group called the Gnostics were bringing a New Gospel, fundamentally different from Christ’s Gospel. The Gnostic Gospel focused preached a new, but old way to salvation; a salvation NOT through Faith in Christ, but a salvation obtained through acquiring special knowledge, and the practice of superstitious rituals, and astrology and angelology; this salvation was a mystical and magical experience to become a “Gnostic” or a “knowing one.” They believed the material world, including the flesh was evil, and therefore, attacking Christ’s Incarnation and his Deity, Christ could not be both God and Man, because the two could never co-exist. Paul as a counter, to their teachings/philosophies challenges the Colossians to remember the Gospel of Christ that originally won their hearts, minds and souls...The Real Gospel...evidenced by the changed lives of the Colossians!

The "Truth" bites! All of us have tangled with truth, if your human that is, and it most often is NOT EASY, but if we deal with it we change, life gets simpler!

Our new series, based on John Burke's, book, "Mud and The Masterpiece" will take us on a journey into our own mess, and God's deep desire to bring restoration at the Master's hands and it will help us to be more like Christ in how we demonstrate the love of God in a broken and messed up world.

Holy Week...Many of the details that surround Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the most holy place on earth, his last days with those dearest to Him, His arrest, trials, suffering, crucifixion and resurrection were foretold by prophets of old. The evidence is overwhelming pointing to Jesus as the promised Messiah.

26 years later, I'm still grateful for God's gift! Not only a partner in day to day life, but a partner in the highest priority any life can have...

I did a bit of work today on website redesign. Working through the brief description of Matt's House Church I wrestled with the word REAL. Being REAL is one of the values that our church planting Core Team believed was critical to people feeling welcome at Matt’s House, a safe place to be who you...