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“The Way Up, is Down,” a phrase one of my favorite pastors, Derrick Prince, used to describe the act of “Humbling Yourself.” Over the next several weeks we’ll focus our attention on the theme of, Repentance. Specifically, “A Living Repentance,” meaning, you’re proximity to the Light, exposes your darkness and demands you’re turning from darkness to light!

Join us as we consider the vital role Father's play in the development of great human beings, and celebrate the calling of a new elder to our Matt's House Church Lead Team.

Jesus' journey to the cross, often referred to as Jesus' Passion, join our troop of the broke, lost, hurting, and the lonely as we follow Jesus to His CROSS. Passion Week...Jesus

Faith in Action - Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. Hebrews 11:1-2

An outsider submits to Christ's authority and pleads for the healing of a dear servant and a mourning widow finds a Christ who brings new life to her dead son. Jesus restores broken. Will you bring your broken to him? Will you plead the case of the broken before him trusting Christ Alone heals?

Over the next two weeks we'll dig into the "Psalms" some of the most thought provoking, heart exposing and life altering literature that continues to comfort, confront and encourage even in todays world of tweets, posts, and picture grams (Instagram).

Change is born out of a surrendered heart and suffering, though not our first choice, is a clear pathway to change both in you and your circumstances.

The verdict is in NOT GUILTY! We are invited to step into Christ’s Righteousness and exchange our: Sin, Guilt, Shame, Brokenness and Death because of Christ’s finished work at the cross "Change" is a REAL possibility. It is time to EMBRACE the life that you are living regardless of what it seems to throw at you. Remember if God is For YOU, then who has the power to really stand against God and His will in your life? NO ONE!

Somehow we want "Change" to be instant, just like we like our food, our purchases, our fun! We hate to wait...we hate when we don't get what we want when we want it. But "Change" doesn't always work that way, does it? So what do we do, just give up, realize we are doomed and that things just never get better? No, following Jesus as He encounters folks that are utterly hopeless, just might change how you look at change. Change = A supernaturally powered life long journey of becoming who you were always designed to "Be."

Over the next 3 weeks of this new series we will take a deeper look at where we've come from, our mission, core values, and where God has us going. If your new to The House then this will help bring you up to speed and hopefully encourage you to join the journey that God has invited us all to live out in our daily lives!