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Everybody needs Do-Over moments in their lives! No matter how good your estimate is of YOU, if you're honest, they're some NOT so good things in your thinking, your feeling and even your actions. We all would love to have a do-over.

A survey through the Gospel of Mark, we glimpse Jesus Christ, the God-Man, unleashing His Holy offering rescue for the unholy world, that's me and you.

Who or what is your idol? It matters. Most of the time we don't think of life in terms of idols, but we all have them. If we slow down, and take a moment to evaluate our existence here on planet earth what we give our lives away to will soon become apparent. Really, anything or anyone can be an idol. What's an idol, you ask?

If your honest, you've probably ridden your life down into the flames pretending that you've still got it together, eventually there is a moment of truth that dangles there in front of you like a life persevere. The question then is simple, do I surrender to my reality and grab it; or do I keep pretending and drown?

I did a bit of work today on website redesign. Working through the brief description of Matt's House Church I wrestled with the word REAL. Being REAL is one of the values that our church planting Core Team believed was critical to people feeling welcome at Matt’s House, a safe place to be who you...