Posts in the PastorRobBenson Category

Christ's Way Is Greater

Posted onDecember 29, 2015 | by: Rob Benson | 0 comments

In a letter to Followers of Christ living in the city of Colossai, Paul implores his fledgling church to cling to Christ and Christ's way which is absolutely superior to their old way of doing life. Paul also, challenges you and me, as modern day Followers to be dependent on Christ alone and His power to transform our lives!...Keep Reading

Christ Is Greater!

Posted onNovember 20, 2015 | by: Rob Benson | 0 comments

As we explore this Letter of Paul’s to the Colossians lets not forget the back drop, that Following Jesus and sharing the Gospel just might cost you everything, even your life. The times were serious, the church in Colossae was being attacked from within, a group called the Gnostics were bringing a New Gospel, fundamentally different from Christ’s Gospel. The Gnostic Gospel focused preached a new, but old way to salvation; a salvation NOT through Faith in Christ, but a salvation obtained through acquiring special knowledge, and the practice of superstitious rituals, and astrology and angelology; this salvation was a mystical and magical experience to become a “Gnostic” or a “knowing one.” They believed the material world, including the flesh was evil, and therefore, attacking Christ’s Incarnation and his Deity, Christ could not be both God and Man, because the two could never co-exist. Paul as a counter, to their teachings/philosophies challenges the Colossians to remember the Gospel of Christ that originally won their hearts, minds and souls...The Real Gospel...evidenced by the changed lives of the Colossians!...Keep Reading

Warrior & Righter of Wrongs

Posted onNovember 3, 2015 | by: Rob Benson | 0 comments

We will conclude our study of Psalm 68, looking at the remainder of the psalm verses, 19-35. David, in this hymn sung during festival gatherings of the nation of Israel, reminds his people what their God has done on their behalf from the promise made to Abram, to their entrance and occupation of the Promise Land! David through prayers, praises, thanksgiving and oracles from the Lord points to Israel's God as "Divine Warrior" and "Divine Vindicator." This has not changed, God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Church He remains the God who fights on our behalf and He alone will vindicate wrongs and set things right....Keep Reading