Worship, Tech, and Setup Teams
Worship Team
This team plays a vital role in reaching people right where it counts the heart! If you play an instrument, dance, paint, draw, etc. this team is for you. You don't have to be accomplished, a professional or perfect to join this creative group of people. There is only one requirement your willingness to try it out! Check out our band "Beautiful Tragedy"!
Contact: Bonnie Amersbach: need email
Abbe Sider: abbe.newday@gmail.com
Tech Team
The technical and support team is the backbone of all that we do at Matt's House. On the technical side of things we take care of sound, video, and lighting. Creatively we film, edit and produce various video pieces for use in sermons, promos and online. On the Support side we execute the set-up and tear-down for our weekly Worship Gatherings and all special events and activities. Check out our Technical and Support team members here!