Meet The Teams
Student & Kids Team
Care for the younger generations is a high priority at Matt's House! We have lots for young people of any age to be involved in. The the leaders are experienced, passionate about walking with kids and visionary as they seek to engage each child one on one and to impact families, not just within the Matt's House family, but also those in the community at large. We work with young people from infants through college and beyond.
No Person Left Behind Team
Intentionally connect with, listen to, and walk with those who find themselves alone, homeless, hopeless, detached, addicted, suffering with mental illness, and broken hearted with the intent of Leaving No People Behind on the journey of Restoration!
Connection Team (Formerly known as ServeFirst)
Our Connection Team is our vehicle that connects us to the community. Community
Care Nights (Block Parties), Kids Movie Nights, Event Outreach, Work and
Beautification Projects, etc. are some of the ways we intentionally engage in loving on
our community. The work of this team is a critical part of the Matt’s House community, it
provides a multitude of opportunities for our church family to serve others through and
the best part is that it doesn’t matter if you are skilled or not, there is always a place for
you on the Team. We believe that to mature as a Follower of Jesus or just to grow as a
human being it is vital to give your life away by serving others.
Care Team
The Care Team is here to care for, walk with and love on people. This team is staffed with people who’s passion is people, we have pastors, LifeTogether Group leaders, trained and licensed counselors, young and old that serve on this team.
Worship Team
This team plays a vital role in reaching people right where it counts the heart! If you play an instrument, dance, paint, draw, etc. this team is for you. You don’t have to be accomplished, a professional or perfect to join this creative group of people. There is only one requirement your willingness to try it out!
Teaching Team
One of the critical elements of any church is instruction! The individuals on this team
are servants who are called to build up the body, that is our Matt’s House family. Since
life is filled with an infinte number of issues that we all face we use various individuals to
bring Biblical instruction to bear on these matters. Therefore, you will find both young
and old, male and female teachers.
Administrative Team
The ultimate behind the scenes special operations force! We could not function without the diligent and detailed work of this team. From mailings, tracking vital statistics, to managing our finances these dedicated individuals make Matt’s House happen. If you are a detail person, administratively gifted, and love to do behind the scenes work...that most people run from then let us know, we are always looking for a "Few Good Administrators!"
Communications Team
The role of this Newly Developing Team, is growing. Currently, we are working hard to
develop the technical side of communications within and outside the church. Website
management and data input; ensuring all communications pieces, virtual and hard copy
are insinc; and uploading important dates, activities and events onto our calendar. It
takes a special person to do this type of work, and we are always looking for new folks
to join this team. As the team grows in talent and number we hope to expand the scope
of responsibilities to include: graphic and design work, both virtual and hard copy;
signage and marketing design; social use; and Worship and Gathering design work,
both virtual, hard copy and staging; etc.
Frontline Team
Frontline, it’s exactly what it sounds like. We are here to help you connect at our
Sunday Gatherings and also, at Connection Team outings. We believe it’s important
that you connect with the rest of the Matt’s House community. Relationship facilitation is
our DNA, because life happens in the context of relationships. Our goal is to get to
know you, get you plugged into resources that you might need and to help you find your
place in the family. Who you are and what you bring is vital to the work God has set out
for us to do as a church, YOU ARE IMPORTANT, so we want you to know that to us you
are a V.I.P. We are always looking for outgoing people to join this team, let us know if
you fit the bill.