
God Story - Bill Parks (Perseverance)

Today we’ll focus on the Life Word (A Word that Brings Life to your life) is
“Godliness.” Now, I don’t know about you, but for me it seems broad…it covers lots
of ground…it’s a loaded word. Peter uses it 3 times in this letter, and its found 10
times in the NT; and in several of the lists that point to the quality and character of a

It often helps me to try and connect the word to a person who, in my view at least,
represents or lives or practices the word. In other words a person that seem to “Be”
the word.

Illustration: Richard Hagstorm
• Writer, consultant, speaker; passionate follower of Jesus Christ.
• Met at Leadership Forum, prophetic word, “Going through this Forum may
change your trajectory, moving it out of YFC and into another calling.”
• 70 year old man, filled with wisdom and understanding, dignity, sincerity, kindness
and gentleness and a love of others that is not the norm of our culture or our world.
• He patterned me according to his “Green Light Concept” and helped me
understand and know myself better.
• If it were not for Richard, I would not be standing here today.
Point: When I think of Richard, I think of the word “Godliness.”

It is believed that Peter wrote this book/letter, 64-67AD, to believers in Roman
occupied Asia Minor, believers who were experience persecution for their faith in
Christ and before his own death. Remember, Peter was crucified upside down by
Nero, according to Jerome, at his own request because he felt himself unworthy to
be crucified as Christ was, upright. The story goes, that Peter discovered he was to
be crucified, fellow believers with concern encouraged Peter to flee. While at the city
gate in Rome, Peter encounter Christ and asked where he should go, Christ
answered, “I am come again to be crucified,” Peter understood this to me that he
should undergo the same suffering as Christ. Now that’s serious commitment, even
to Death, a picture of absolute Godliness!

This book/letter primary focus to Challenge followers of Christ to put into practice
this following of Christ, not just know it intellectually, like the gnostics, whom he
speaks of in 2 Peter 2. Peter sees this “special - intellectual group, with “special
knowledge” only for a few privileged folks as traveling snake oil sales man, who
claim to believe in Christ, but do not practice the actual following of Christ which is
made obvious by their immoral day to day lives. The claim to following Christ is only
a income growth strategy for them.

Reading: 2 Peter 1:2
• Grace = God For You
• Peace = Made Right with God, through Christ
• Abundance = Continue to be Multiplied, here into the future
• Knowledge = Full Knowledge (An Experience of Full-Understanding); unlike
gnostics who claim “special knowledge for a few special folks.”

Reading: 2 Peter 1:3-4
Power = Dunomos - Explosive/Life Altering power
Life = New Life in Christ
Godliness = Eu - Well; Sebomai - To Worship: Act of Worshipping God Well with
your Life

Glory = Manifestation of His own Character - How he lived when He was among us.
Goodness = Moral Excellence/Virtue
Divine Nature = Participate in this “New Birth,” Putting on Christ’s character.

Reading: 2 Peter 1:5-9
Steps toward Love/Our Part in Development
• Faith = Trust/Confidence/Strong Conviction in Christ (Foundational Element, just
the beginning) moving upward toward Godliness, and the ultimate manifestation
of Godliness is expressed in Love toward others.
• Goodness = Moral Power, Moral Energy, Vigor of Soul, Soul Strength.
• Knowledge = Full Understanding available to us, not just apostles or a special
few, but everyone.
• Self-Control = Holding Oneself In; Containing Oneself; Passions under control.
• Perseverance = Endurance under adversity; Without Giving In or Giving Up.
• Godliness = Eu - Well; Sebomai - To Worship: Act of Worshipping God Well with
your Life

• Brotherly Kindness = Active Deep Concern and therefore Care of others.
• Brotherly Love = Desiring the highest good for others.

Question: How is life ineffective & unproductive?
Question: How are you still trying to hold on to your past life, life before Christ?
Question: Is the entirety of your life, a living act of worship to God alone?
Question: If not, what is holding you back?
Point: God, in Christ, His life, His death, His Resurrection Power has made it
possible for you to step into and grow in Godliness, making your life a living act of
the best worship to God alone.
Question: Are you willing?
Answer: Peter was, and he says you can be just like him; the knowledge and the
promises are yours if you want them.

Reading: 2 Peter 1:10-11