Weak Made Strong

Reading: Psalm 146
Do you hear the desperate Truth that this psalmist boldly declares, “Blessed is he
whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, the Maker of
heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them…the Lord, who remains faithful

Last week we focused on the power of a Decision, “Your Decision Today, will
Determine your Destiny tomorrow.” 

Today we’re going to wrestle with what gets in the way of acting on those decisions
that lead to that destiny our souls long for. 

Another gut level challenge, waits for you today…
• Question: Will you purposely choose weakness over strength?

Rob, that’s psycho…crazy…insane…absolutely, unequivocally the most absurd
question you can ask me. Hell NO, I will NOT choose weakness over strength.
• Football player, and the stylish end zone dance, a display of dominant strength.
• Celebrity Award shows (Oscars, Golden Globe, etc.), a display of superior talent.
• Gifted and Talented programs in our schools, a gathering place for those who are
• The Apprentice and Shark Tank, shows that elevate those who have what it takes
to be successful and wealthy.
• The Bachelor and Bachelorett, show case the the handsome and beautiful.
• Evolutionary Theory promoted in our schools, snubs it’s nose at weakness.
“Survival of the Fittest.”

Question: Is weakness celebrated in any of these examples or is strength, talent,
intellect, success, wealth and beauty celebrated?
Illustration: Rob’s Story (Pizza on the Hood in the Hood)
Outward display of strength, said to the drug dealers in the area that someone
stronger, more determined, smarter, and fearless has now entered the playground.
The game has changed, and now you are the weak ones.

Paul relays all he has endured, as a Follower of Christ, who in desperation spends
every ounce of his life broadcasting the Good News…God Loves you, God is For
You, God will Walk with you, God will Deliver You, period

• Question: How does Paul know this about God?

Summary of 2 Corinthians 11:16-27
Paul’s been…in prison, flogged with whip and beaten with rod, at the edge of death
time and again, ship wrecked, nearly drowned, attacked by robbers, his life
threatened by his own people, gentiles, pretend Followers of Christ, he’s lost sleep,
gone without food, he’s endured the cold…

You get the picture…oddly, this word weak shows up 9 times, in chapters 11 and 12,
does any of what you’ve heard sound weak to you?

Read: 2 Corinthians 11:28-29
“Besides everything else…” So what’s the everything else?
Pressure (responsibility) of concern (anxiety) for all the churches…Though Paul
has endured much hardship, he can’t all the answers to all the question, relieve all
the struggles and lift every concern.
“Who is weak (sick), and I do not feel weak…” Paul comes face to face with his
inability to fix every problem, bolster everyones lack of faith, or make sense out of
every confusing circumstance. 
“Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn…” Paul with all his wisdom, faith
and fortitude powerless of stopping anyone from their self destructive thinking or
behavior. He burns with grief (agonizes) every time someone falls into self imposed
pain and destruction. 

Read: 2 Corinthians 11:30
Show my weakness = Incapacity

Read: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Weakness = Insufficiency 
Grace = Good will
Sufficient = Satisfy
Power = Supernatural Power
Perfect = Complete, finished
Rest = Take Up Residence
Delight = Take Pleasure, Enjoy, Prefer
Insults = Mistreatment
Hardships = Obligations, Trouble, Difficult Circumstances
Persecutions = Harassment, Oppression
Difficulties = Distress
Strong = Capable, Competent, Able

Point: Paul is saying, I am not afraid of these things which expose my weakness,
because I suffer like Christ, it is His supernatural power that gives me strength to
endure all things both physical torture and torture of soul!

Question: What life circumstance are you currently facing, circumstances exposing
your weakness, your limited capacity, your lack of understanding, your inability to

Question: Are you ready to get “Weak?”
Question: Are you ready to let God’s Supernatural Power work in you?
Question: Are you ready to let go and do what God is directing you to do even if it
sounds nuts?
Question: Are you ready to leave the fear and anxiety behind and rejoice in the
struggle, knowing God’s got your back?

Are you ready to say, “I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in
persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong?