Victory - Surrender

Download (Lance & Rob)
Introduction - Rob
Illustration: New Year - Filled with New Decisions
• A Decision is a very powerful thing…the power to choose.
• A New Year = Thousands of opportunities to make New Decisions.
Statement: Each Decision we make Determines our Destiny. 
Point: Your Decision to attend Matt’s House today, has the potential to Re-Shape your

Illustration (Lance) - Joshua and the Man with the Drawn Sword before the battle of
• Question: Today you will be faced with a decision, whom do you choose to

Historical Context - Rob
Today we are going to look at Exodus 17, a battle and a Decision Point for Israel: 
• 400 years of disconnected from God, His voice and presence seemingly absent.
• 400 years of slavery, of being brutalized, overworked and dictated too.
• 400 years of suffering, and pain with no end in sight.
Then a decision… “The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their
cry for help because of their slavery went up to God” (Ex. 2:23).

That decision changed things forever for the enslaved people of Israel:
• God Sent a Deliverer…Moses who lead his people out of Egypt.
• God Delivered them from Pharaoh’s Army, decimating it at the Red Sea.
• God Provided Manna & Quail, in answer to their complaint.

Another Complaint… “No Water!”
It’s early Spring, May, the Israelites are traveling from the Desert of Sin and have
arrived at Rephidim (Reepidim), a month has passed since their Red Sea escape
from the Egyptian Army, it’s hot, it’s dry and the streams are not flowing. The
Amalekites, who posses the land in front of them also, posses the water they so
desperately need. The Israelites are miserable, again, they complain, they show
their distrust in Moses and their distrust in God. 

Transition: It’s another decision point, Moses gathers the elders, as God
commanded, and leads them to Horeb and an outcropping of rocks. With his rod
Moses strikes the rock and out comes a river of gushing water. In the shade of this
rock out cropping the Israelites gather to quench their thirst…

Bible - Lance
Scripture Reading: Exodus 17:8-16

Exposition - Lance

Challenge - Lance & Rob
Lance (Primary)
Illustration: Image of Cross (Top Down View)
• Question: Who’s banner (battle standard) will you follow this day?
Quote: “Killing Jesus,” by Bill O’Riley

Rob (Alternative)
Question: What decision point are you at today?
• Follow Christ or Not?
• Make that Career move or Not?
• Re-build that Relationship or Not?
• Let Christ Love on Me or Not?
• Live that Dream or Not?
Statement: Your Decision Today…will Determine your Destiny Tomorrow…
Response: If you are making that decision to act today according to God’s will,
and want God’s help come forward so we can pray with you.