Martin Feigelis
Youth Leader / Children's Church Leader
Hello, I am Martin and I have been a part of Matt’s House Church for many years now. I work with youth on many different levels. In 2006 I was hired to work full-time in the Howard County School System as a Para-Educator. In addition I am employed part time with Metro Maryland Youth For Christ which is one of Matt’s House’s partner organizations. Campus Life (our youth ministries) is part of YFC and I have been operating Campus Life Groups for more then a decade. I joined Matt’s House team when I realized that there are many people, especially those my age who seem to not have a passion or direction in life. God seems to be least on the minds of many people in this generation and God put on the heart of Matt’s House Church to reach out to those who seem far from God. Outside of Matt’s House I enjoy; Camping, Civil War Reenacting, watching and playing sports of all kinds (just pick up games), or just going for a ride on my motorcycle.