Corona Virus Response

Our current response to COVID19:

Saturday and Sunday Gatherings in person, at 40% capacity.  Chairs 6 feet apart, families are seated together.  Folks are encouraged to stay 6 feet apart during their interactions.  Masks, with sanitizer provided upon entrance.  Bathrooms sanitized after each use.  Entrances sanitized multiple times during services.

Drop In Center is ONLY open between 11:00am - 12:00pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday for lunch on site distribution.  Assistence with finding resources is scheduled by appointment only, and will be a 1 to 1 interaction.

Cleaning and Sanitizing of Facility and Equipment:  Entrances sanitized during and after every use of; bathrooms sanitized after each use and aslo cleaned after closing building.  All equipment, tables, chairs (hard plastic) are sanitized after use and after the building is closed.  All floors, railings, hard surfaces (tables, sinks, equipment) are cleaned and sanitized after each use.

 With questions, contact Bill Pringle at 410-350-1739