June 5, 2016

Psalm 51 (Part II)

Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Psalms Passage: Psalm 51:1–19


Opening Reading: Psalm 51
We first started this ride in Psalm 32 our focus was Forgiveness of sin, a Restoration
of Relationship with God! You’ll remember that for Restoration to happen you must:
Recognize the weight of Sorrow; let it drive you to Confession; be En-couraged; find
Refuge & Deliverance in God’s Presence; let God Teach you His Way out and give
you His Wisdom; then Celebrate, Rejoice in heart…experience the FREEDOM!
Last week we began to open up Psalm 51 by exploring Sin! It’s hard to appreciate
the power of David’s prose without understanding the egregious wrongs that the King
of Israel committed. James gives us a snap shot our daily struggle with Sin, “…each
one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then,
after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, gives
birth to death.” Evil…the Darkness of the human heart is a killer that continues to
reek havoc, just this week, another School Shooting at UCLA…evil is alive and
killing, lurking within the darkest regions of each our souls… It Must Be Confronted!
Question: Do you ever feel overwhelmed with a sense of sorrow?
• Answer: It might just be the effects of un-confronted sin in YOU.
Question: Have you ever wondered why your disconnected from God?
• Answer: It might just be the effects of un-confronted sin in YOU.
Question: Have you ever wronged someone, and NOT made it right, then found
yourself filled with anxiety every time you’re around them?
• Answer: It might just be the effects of un-confronted sin in YOU.
Question: Do you find yourself consumed with a critical spirit, always pointing out
the flaws in others and avoiding your own faults?
• Answer: It might just be the effects of un-confronted sin in YOU.
The Signs of Trouble…
Reading/Summarizing: 2 Samuel 11:1-5
Point: When we are about to do a wrong/sin, there are always signs!
• vv.1c (KEY): “David remained in Jerusalem.”
• David, as King, fails to lead his army out into battle.
• Key Word: Sent = Cause to Go Out…Under The Authority of.
• Spring a time for military campaigns, roads drying, food for the war horses and
men; March (Spring Time) = Named after Roman God of War = Mars
• vv.3: David Sent, a messenger…
The 3 Cover Ups Begin…
Reading/Summary: 2 Samuel 11:6-9 (Cover Up #1)
• vv.9 - “Did not go down to the house.”
Uriah Stands Right Before the King, but the King Falls…
Reading: 2 Samuel 11:10-11
• Uriah acts righteously, as David fails to act righteously.
• Uriah = “Yahweh Is My Light,” a devout observer of God’s Laws
• Uriah Refuses to Violate “War Time” ban of Sexual Relations (1 Samuel 21:4-5)
• Uriah Remains Loyal To: God, King, Country, Fellow Warriors and Wife
Reading/Summary: 2 Samuel 11:12-13 (Cover Up #2)
• David gets Uriah drunk, hoping he would sleep with Bathsheba, to no avail.
• vv.13b - Read, “He did not go home.”
Reading/Summary: 2 Samuel 11:14-24 (Cover Up #3)
• David, sends Uriah back to Joab, Commander of Israel’s Army, with his own death
sentence written in the message he carried.
• Key Word: “Die,” sin always results in death! A separation from LIFE!
• vv.18-21: Joab sends account of battle and excuses his culpability in the death of
his own men, and the death of Uriah.
David’s Justification
Reading/Summary: 2 Samuel 11:25
• David has NO remorse for his wrongful actions, or even that he involved others in
his evil plot.
The Lord’s Response
Reading/Summary: 2 Samuel 11:26-27
• Uriah’s Wife Mourns; “Brought” = Had Brought To Him, under Kings Authority
• vv.27b - “Displeased The Lord.”
Challenge Slide & Stand Response (Instrumental & Worship)
• Question: Do you have a cover up that is plaguing your life right now? Maybe your
holding resentments, pretending that everything ok? Or, maybe your giving
someone the silent treatment in hopes of punishing them for a perceived or actual
harm done? Perhaps your isolating yourself, and ignoring tension born out of a
hurt you received from someone close to you? Maybe you’ve, never come clean
and taken responsibility for a wrong you’ve done?
• Question: What is God speaking to you concerning righting a wrong you’ve done?
• Pray: God give me the courage to right my wrong.
Benediction - Psalm 51:10-12

other sermons in this series