October 11, 2015

Psalm 68

Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Psalms Passage: Psalm 68:1–6

Opening Reading: Psalm 68:1-6
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a modern day martyr of the church, was arrested and executed
by Hitler’s SS, in the last days of WWII. He openly spoke out against the Nazi
Regime, encourage the church, to openly live out/practice/put into action what it
professed, and he himself was involved in assassination attempts on Hitler and his
High Command.
Another way Bonhoeffer, acted on what he believed, was to establish a seminary for
younger pastors. Every morning these young men would gather before breakfast and
they would take turns reading the Psalms out loud. In them they found: comfort,
prayers, encouragement, God’s judgement against the wicked, God’s salvation of
the righteous, Identification with desperation…despair…brokenness…
powerlessness, etc.
Calvin, also made it a practice like many Followers of Christ through the centuries,
to spend time daily connecting with God through the hymns and poems of the
• Point: Songs & Poetry, have always had a direct line to the heart, by passing
the mind.
I to have made it a practice to spend time in the Psalms daily. They never fail to
provide me with a point of connection with God
Psalm 68
• It is believed to be a hymn of King David, not poem, that was sung by Israel during
their Festival Gatherings when they made pilgrimage to Jerusalem to give their
God honor and glory for all that He has done for them as a nation and people.
• It has a rhythm to it…a flow if you will, that drives at two major themes, over and
over again emphasizing God’s Omni-Presence, His Omniscience, Omnipotence by
describing over and over again that Israel’s God is A Vindicator - One Who Sets
Wrongs Right; and A Warrior-One Who Fights On Behalf of His People.
• It contains prayers (What God Might Do), praise (Exultation), thanksgiving (What
God Has Already Done), and oracles (Word of The Lord).
• It begins with a prayer of Moses, pointing to Numbers 10:35 (Reading); The Ark
was a symbol to God’s people that He was Present; of His Protection; and of the
Throne of Israel’s Divine Warrior God. Both The Ark & The Temple, were central
to Israel’s worship…they reminded God’s People of His Covenant Relationship
with them and His Rule (Part of His Kingdom) over them.
vv.1, 2 - (A Prayer: Divine Warrior) “Before Him” = Presence the Enemy cannot
Stand; The Enemy’s of God’s People are Powerless/Impotent like “Smoke” or
“Wax;” Theophany’s - Manifestations of God describe Him as “Wind,” “Smoke”
and “Fire” (Ex 19:20, 20:18; Isa 6:4) these Theophany’s depict God showing up
“Historically” in our world to be with His people…a picture of the incarnation of the
Christ. Calvin, a great theologian, teacher and preacher during the Reformation in
France in the 1500’s; said God shows up in our world, “In order to arm the Church
with confidence, and to strengthen it with Brisk and Cheerful Readiness against the
violent attacks of the enemy.”
• Illustration: Jesse (Baptized) - Shared a story about a man who showed up at
an accident scene to encourage him when he was down.
vv.3 - God showing up on their behalf, as in times past, a theophany; God’s People
(Righteous) should be “Glad,” “Rejoice,” Be Happy and Joyful.” Compared to the
(Wicked) vv.2 who are filled with dread.
• NT - Reference of God Avenging the Righteous (2 Thessalonians 1:5-8)
Question: Why should His People (Israel/Church) Be Glad, Rejoice, Happy and
Joyful? Answer: Because the Divine Warrior & Avenger fights & makes Right on
their behalf!
vv.4 - (Praise: Remembering God is Vindicator/Avenger) God (Heb.=Yah or
Yahweh; His Name) is ever faithful to His Covenant Relationship with Israel; As in
the Past, He will Right all Wrongs! Picture Yah, “Him who rides on the
clouds,” (Israel’s God) vs. Baal (Only one of many Canaanite Gods: Rain, Fertility and
Prosperity) symbolizes Yahweh’s All-Sufficiency.
vv.5, 6 - (Praise: Remembering God is Vindicator/Avenger) Father (Heb.=Abba); a
Defender (Heb.=Judge); Sets (Heb.=Vindicator/Restorer); “Leads
Forth,” (Heb.=Redeems); Prisoners (Heb.=In Chains).
Question: How has God shown up in your life as Father, Defender, Restorer,
• Point: God is the Divine Warrior, He Fights on our behalf!
• Point: God is our Vindicator, He makes Right all Wrongs!
• Point: God is Rescuer/Restorer of the oppressed & lonely, He is their Care Taker!
• Point: God’s People can be Confident, Ready, Cheerful, and strengthened in their
Willingness to Stand against the enemy because God our Divine Warrior &
Vindicator, just as He was in times past!
Question: How do you need God to show up for you today, so that you can stand
against the enemy?

other sermons in this series