August 30, 2015

Part XI: The Hammer of Truth, Part II

Series: Mud and The Masterpiece Passage: John 14:5–7


Today we’ll finish up Part I of “The Mud & The Masterpiece” Series…
Paul, a passionate Follower of Christ who gave His very life blood to proclaim and
reach those Far from Christ with the Life Transforming Good News said this about
God and about YOU and ME…
“For we are God’s workmanship (Master Pieces), created (Formed/Shaped/Molded)
in Christ Jesus to do good works (Live-In/Walk-In).” Ephesians 2:10

Wrapping up what we launched into last Sunday, “The Hammer of Truth.” My prayer
is that you aren’t just listening to this God given teaching, but that you are
experiencing it personally!
Question: Why is this series, this specific teaching concerning The Hammer of Truth
so important to you and I?

I’ll let Jesus answer…
Reading: John 14:5-7a

Inviting Jesus, who is the Truth, to deliver the Hard Hammer of His Truth will…
• Lead To A Metanoia Experience: A change of mind.
• Lead To: A Change of Heart
• Lead To: A Ever Changing Life
• Lead To: A Very Real Taste of Heaven NOW

When Jesus gets in you, deeper and deeper, your life and His life become One,
indistinguishable, inseparable…Paul describes this as Life in The Spirit:
Reading: Galatians 5:22-23
(vv.22 )- Fruit = (GK-Ever Growing/Ever-Increasing)

Snap Shots of Christ bringing “The Hammer of Truth”
Reading: John 2:13-16 Jesus bringing IT under cutting the Authority of
Reading: Mark 7:5-6 Jesus bringing IT destroying the Pharisees “Better Than”
Reading: Matthew 12:36-37, 41 Jesus bringing IT exposing the Judgement that
awaits those who Reject Christ and His “Good News.”

Jesus Always cares, even for those who reject Him and His Truth and continue in
Hard Heart-ness! You see…Jesus demonstrates through His Words and Actions
that: Love doesn’t sit by and let destruction happen, His love cares enough to
intervene; to bring the Hammer of Truth!

Illustration: Story of Jake (Name Changed)
After attending Campus Life for over a year, and after professing Faith in Christ
Jake’s life was dragging…He believed, but was choosing NOT TO FOLLOW Jesus
into Healing and Wholeness! It became apparent in how he pursued 9th grade girls,
attempting to bed them! I confronted him on several occasions and eventually,
gave him an ultimatum: Either you STOP using CL as your personal conquest
hunting grounds and choose to Follow Christ’s LEAD and GROW; or GET OUT! The
next meeting he persisted, and I kicked him out! As I drove him home, I told him I
was available to walk with him in his journey of transformation, but it would NOT BE
AT CL. He rejected my offer, and months later, I was summoned to the hospital,
one of our 9th Grade girls was date raped by Jason…his sexual appetite hurt yet
another young woman scaring her for a life time. A police investigation in-sued, and
I don’t know what the outcome is…but recently he had a child and eventually
Question: How do you think Jake would like for a young man to treat his daughter
when she becomes a young woman? Do you think he desires to see his daughter
scared for life?
• Point: Jake, I’m sure would now answer, NO, he wouldn’t want his daughter hurt.
• Point: Jake, as a professing Follower of Jesus, chose to reject the The Hammer
of Truth I brought, and God only knows how many young women he harmed, how
has impacted his life, and how it will impact his wife and daughter.
• Point: You see…the WRONG we do Matters…Our rejection of Christ’s Leadership
in our lives MATTERS!

Illustration: “Water Molecule” - “Mud and The Master Piece,” p.181

Rules of Engagement “Love Filled Confrontation”
Reading: Matthew 18:15-17
• (vv.15) - Show (GK-Expose); Listens (GK-Recieves & Responds);
• (vv.17) - Refuses (GK-Ignores); Treat (GK-Exactly Like); Pagan (GK-Unbeliever)

Question: What Group do YOU fall into?
• Are YOU Far from God…
• Are YOU the Pharisee, Religious Law/Knowledge Expert, but are Disconnected
from God Relationally?
• Are YOU a Follower/Learn/disciple of Christ?
Question: What TRUTH is being Hammered into you that you are REJECTING,


other sermons in this series