Part X: The Hammer of Truth, Part I
Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece Passage: John 8:6–11
Last week we focused our attention Jesus sharing “Good News.” This week we’re
going to spend look at Jesus sharing the “Bad News.”
• Gospel = (GK-Euangellion) Eu = Good; Angellion = Message;
• Literally Means: “Good Message,” “Good Proclamation,” “Good News.”
Today, a taste of heaven is available to you and I; if we choose (Metanoia/
Repent=Change of Mind) to become a part of The Kingdom of heaven by believing
the “Good News” about God, Life, and Jesus and Participating in God’s Will & Way to
guide and direct our lives instead of our will & way.
Before we get to the “Bad News” lets talk to a friend of mine and part of our MH
Live Interview: Ty
• Question: Can you give us a glimpse into what Ty’s life before your acceptance
of “The Good News?”
• Question: What were the circumstances that caused you to explore this “Good
• Question: How have you tangibly experienced the power of this “Good News” at
work in your life?”
It’s critical that we understand how, when and with whom Jesus decided to share
the “Bad News,” or in other words: Hard Words, Judgement or The Hammer of
• Jesus general approach was “Good News,” FIRST.
• “Bad News,” first approach seems to cause people to live a life of MUDMANAGEMENT
(Behavioral Management, Sin Management).
• Jesus in almost every instance only shared “Bad News” when…People rejected the
“Good News” persistently.
Jesus Addressing Sin Directly…
Reading: John 8:6-11 (Woman Caught In Adultery) “Neither do I condemn you,’
Jesus declared. ‘Go now and leave your life of sin.’”
Reading: John 5:14 (Healing Mat Bound Guy at Pool of Bethesda) “See, you are
well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.”
Point: Think about that, we assume Jesus came to make us MORE MORAL, to get us
to STOP SINNING; but there is a deeper issue than BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT; it’s
Point: The things we find most detestable or we dislike the most about this world
happen because people do what they want and don’t care or don’t understand the
impact they have on others.
The “Bad News” or “Hammer of Truth”…
Remember SIN is a persistent behavioral pattern that destroys your life and the
lives of others. Born out of a HARD HEART, that persistently chooses its WILL &
WAYS over God’s WILL & WAYS.
Question: How does Jesus deal with the hard hearted?
Answer: He confronts them with “The Hammer of Truth.”
• He most often, doesn’t make it about their “Sin,” He sees and speaks to their
hard hearts, the root of their “Sin.”
• After persistent Rejection of the “Good News,” God’s - Love, Kindness,
Forgiveness and the Restoration that’s available right now, The Hammer comes
• After 2 years of Ministry first real confrontation using Hard Words…
• Reading: Matthew 11:20-24
• Reading: Luke 10:8-12
Question: Why does Jesus breakout The Hammer of Truth?
Answer: In hopes of bringing about a CHANGE OF MIND.
Question: Who were the primary targets of Jesus’ Hard Words?
Answer: Not the (Prostitutes, Thieves, Murderers, Cheats, Liars, or other unsavory
characters, but the Religious: those who claimed to Do God’s Will & Live according
to His Ways.
Stats on Hard Words:
• 2 1/2 Years - Jesus spoke Hard Words 8 X’s; 6 X’s those Hard Words were
directed to the Religious folks.
• Last Year - Jesus spoke Hard Words 22 X’s; 1/2 of those instances the Hard
Words were directed at the Pharisees; in 2/3 of of those instances Jesus
confronted those who had been following Him, but were still rejecting the “Good
News” even though they had witnessed healings and His life giving power.
Question: What can we learn from Jesus’ use of Hard Words?
Point: Jesus used The Hammer of Truth or Hard Words when confronting those who
had persistently ignored His invitation to the New Life.
Point: Most of Jesus Hard Words came after 2 years of persistent rejection of the
“Good News.”
other sermons in this series
Aug 28
Mud and the Masterpiece, Part 3
Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece
Aug 7
Mud and the Masterpiece, Part 1
Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece
Aug 30
Part XI: The Hammer of Truth, Part II
Passage: John 14:5–7 Series: Mud and The Masterpiece