August 16, 2015

Part IX: Sharing The “Good News”

Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece Passage: Matthew 9:35–36


Next week we’ll finish up Part I of this 2 Part Series: Mud & The Master Piece.
Today we’ll take a look at the “Gospel” the message that Jesus, the son of God,
came to proclaim to a lost and hurting world…The Good News.

John Burke Quote: “Compassion is a learned trait.” That phrase struck me hard…
what, compassion must be learned?

Story (Rob & HIV/AIDs): Encountered the first person I ever knew who was literally
dying from HIV/AID’s. My FTO, reeled when we we’re met by this emaciated man at
the door, he stepped back dawned his protective gloves and stood at a distance.
The man was obviously suffering and in pain, as we waited for the ambulance to
arrive, he was requesting to be taken to the hospital…seeking comfort from his
suffering. He was in his under-ware and it was winter and wanted to get dressed.
My FTO, just said, “I’m out of here, you got this,” and walked out. Stunned I help the
man to his room and helped him dress, when the ambulance arrived they took over
and eventually took him to the hospital.

Point: Compassion is learned…and it must be practiced with the right heart intent if
it is to bring “Life” and “Good.”

POINT: Jesus knows that: Everyone Hurts, so He Cared Enough To Do Something
and it Cost Him His Life.

Opening Reading: Matthew 24:14

Question: What’s so important about “The Gospel of The Kingdom” that it must be
proclaimed across the whole world…to every nation (people group)?


Defining The Gospel of The Kingdom…

Gospel = (GK-Euangellion) Eu = Good; Angellion = Message; Angel = Messenger;

Literally Means: “Good Message,” “Good Proclamation,” “Good News.”

Why the Gospel of The Kingdom is Good News…

Reading: Matthew 6:9-10

Kingdom = Ruler (King) & A Realm (Lands & People)

Point: A taste of Eternal Life (Heaven) is available to All who allow God’s Kingdom
Rule (His Will & Way) to guide their lives. Now the taste of Heaven is (Temporary);
but one day it will become (Eternal or Forever Lasting).

How We Get In The Way of The Gospel…

Playing God…

Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:6-7, 9

Question: How do we get in the way of this “Good News” as Followers of Christ?

• Answer: By thinking we have the Power To Change People. Only God causes the
“seed to grow.”

Thinking The Gospel’s A Magic Formula…

Point: In the 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) we find that Jesus NEVER
uses a Formula in sharing the Gospel!

Point: The Gospel connects with both the Mind & Heart, Jesus cared…
Point: Three Themes appear when we find Jesus sharing the Gospel of The
Kingdom of God:

• There is “Good News” about God & Life!
• There is “Good News” about Jesus!
• There is “Good News” about our Role/Participation

Good News is about God & Life…
God created us for loving relationship with Himself and others, He will personally
lead us into this “New Life” a Life that is born from the Inside, then flows outside.

Reading: Luke 10:25-28

• Point: The Gospel is about RESTORED relationships with God & Man.

Reading: John 3:3-4, 16-17

• Believes = Trust

• Save = Restore

Good News about Jesus…

Jesus was crucified to pay our sin debt, so we could have right relationship with

Reading: Romans 3:25-26

• God is Just & Merciful

Reading: Ephesians 2:8-10 (Grace, Saved, Faith, Workmanship)

Good News about our Role/Participation…
God has removed every obstacle between God and people, except for our “Free Will.”
Reading: Mark 1:15 (Repent & Believe)

Closing - Grab Your “Read-Reflect-Wrestle” Handout…


other sermons in this series