July 19, 2015

Part VIII: Sharing In The Pain

Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece Passage: Hebrews 11:1–11:1

Interview: Dee
• Question: How long have you been a part of the MH family?
• Question: Can you share how you ended up here at MH? Why?
• Question: What kind of impact has your experience had on you?

Remember…God choose to work in the mess, on messes, like me, with the mind,
heart and skill of a Master Artist…

Two weeks ago we wrestled with the fact that God gives us the FREEDOM to chose
Him or reject Him…in church circles we call this FREE WILL!
• Love demands a choice, a willingness, to love another and a willingness to be
loved by another.
• Love & Free Will go hand in hand…without Free Will (Choice) you cannot have real
love; and all Real Love must be a product of Free Will.

Here is the TRUTH we’re going to tackle Today:
• Everyone hurts; NOT everyone CARES

Reading: Hebrews 11:1; 6; 32-40
• vv.39 - Commended (GK-To Witness & To Speak Well of) God saw what was
done…and their suffering…pain…their story COUNTED!
Point: Dee’s story…the pain, the suffering, the tragedy Matters To God! He helped
her find a New Home…a New Family…a Place where she can experience God’s
compassion & mercy through God’s people.

Statement: Everyone hurts; but NOT everyone CARES
Point: Jesus Always Cares…

Pain & Suffering & Need, A Catalyst to Faith
Satan uses past pain, suffering, brokenness, and wrong done to keep us hurting,
hopeless and miserable…people are desperate to believe God cares, but it’s hard
for them to see it.
Question: Do we care…Followers (Hands and Feet) of Jesus?
Point: As Followers we need to show people God sees…God cares…

Example Jesus Cares…Even For Those Who “Are Far From God”
Reading: John 4:46-53
• Point: We often demand that people “Believe” before we care for them.
• Point: Jesus cared first…then they came to believe.

Reading: Luke 17:11-19
Question: Do we realize Jesus still meets people at their point of need, even before
they believe or whether they are grateful or not?

Illustration: Recovery Groups (NA & AA) - An example of Jesus healing those who
have yet to believe, who have a “Higher Power,” and use the 12 Steps (founded in
scripture) to experience transformation in their lives.
Point: Jesus works to bring healing & relieve pain in the lives of those who are “Far
from Him.”

Reading: Matthew 9:35-36
• Compassion (GK) = Splagna=To Have Pity For or To Feel For
• Harassed (GK) = Trouble (Internal or External)
• Helpless (GK) = Put Down, Thrown Down, Dejected
Point: Jesus “Felt” their Pain

Reading: Matthew 9:37-38
• Statement: Everyone hurts; NOT everyone Cares

Challenge Questions
Question: Are you willing to ask God to show you who’s hurting and needs care?
Question: Are you willing to set aside your agenda, and listen to someones pain in
the moment?
Question: Are you willing to set aside your agenda, and walk with them through
their pain and need?
Question: Are you willing to “Be Like Jesus” and demonstrate God’s Care &
Compassion, by stopping and “Feeling” for them?

Closing - Grab Your “Read-Reflect-Wrestle” Handout…


other sermons in this series