July 5, 2015

Part VII: Respecting Freedom/Free Will

Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece Passage: John 8:10–8:11

Last week were looked at several occasion where we found Jesus loving on people
demonstrating that He was “For” them, NOT “Against” them and we listened in on
how Jesus brought truth, but with Grace, NOT condemnation!

Illustration: Remember the woman caught in adultery…the Pharisees/Religious
Leaders had gathered to stone her to death, but Jesus steps in front of her and
challenges their actions and their heart motivation! “If anyone of you is without sin,
let him be the first to throw a stone at her,” note the implied question. One by one
they turn and walk away…Jesus turns to the woman and asks several questions…

Reading: John 8:10-11 (Note: Grace & Truth, motivated by LOVE)

God choose to work in the mess, on messes, like me, with the mind, heart and skill
of a Master Artist…last night while watching some of the different celebration in and
around our area Allison and I got to enjoy some of this countries gifted and talented
• Question: Have you ever noticed that if somebody has an incredible gift, and really
invests in honing their gift through thousands of hours of practicing (shaping &
molding), as if they were performing in the most prestigious venue, that they move
your heart bringing awe and wonder and delight to the soul?
God spends thousands of hours investing in bringing His masterpiece, you and me,
into the light so that all our beauty can be on display…beauty that points to and
show cases the Master Artist. Why? God does this because He loves…

Reading: 1 John 4:7-8

Love demands a choice, a willingness, to love another and a willingness to be
loved by another.
• Question: Who here wants to be loved?
Love & Free Will go hand in hand…without Free Will (Choice) you cannot have real
love; and all Real Love must be a product of Free Will.

Condemnation Engineering (Manipulating Freedom of Choice/Free Will)
Book Reading: p.109, Mud and the Masterpiece, by John Burke.
• Point: Jesus didn’t come to force us to be obedient or to be moral…what He
wants is our hearts. Jesus is a Lover…Jesus desires “Willing” Relationship!
• Point: It’s our choice to choose Him…Trust Him that brings about Obedience,
because it’s in Relationship with Jesus that our hearts are healed!
Book Reading: p.113, Mud and the Masterpiece, by John Burke.

Woman At The Well!
Reading: John 4:7-9 (Asking Before Telling)
Reading: John 4:10-15 (Spiritual Need=To be loved, accepted and cherished)
Reading: John 4:16-19 (Truth, Exposes her Brokeness, NO condemnation…Hope)
Reading: John 4:25-26 (Hope of Better Life & Healing through Relationship with

• Point: Trying to change peoples behavior always FAILS!
• Point: Change must happen from the INSIDE to be REAL, and it MUST BE
SPIRITUAL, God changes People…WE DO NOT!
• Point: Change happens in the MESSINESS of FREE WILL, we have to allow
people to choose Christ, His Forgiveness, His Love for them…that choice sets
them FREE…and choosing to FOLLOW again, and again and again sets us FREE!

Reading: Galatians 5:1, 16-18, 22-23
• Point: When people Willingly Follow the Spirit, change happens

Challenge Question: Are you willing to enter into people’s pain and junk
like Jesus did?

Closing - Grab Your “Read-Reflect-Wrestle” Handout…


other sermons in this series