Part VI: Grace & Truth in Love
Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece Passage: John 1:14–1:17
As we continue in this Mud and The Masterpiece Series remember to work through
the Read-Reflect-Wrestle Cards we distribute every Sunday, or grab them off the
• Question: How many of you, honestly, still find yourself living out of your “False-
Self,” the Old Man, or the Flesh to often (thinking, feeling, action) like?
• Point: It’s time you put away the Old Man, and begin to Trust Christ with your life
so much so, that you begin to live by His Spirit that lives within you, BE THE NEW
MAN (New Identity)!
Remember when I asked you this question a few weeks ago…
Question: Is there anybody beyond God’s restorative reach as the Master Artist?
Corporate Answer: No!
Illustration: My sister & Rick lost a very dear friend to an Over Dose, she is like
many the church tends to often ignore because, in our hearts at least, we deem
them to far gone, a lost cause, an impossible pursuit. But in reality each one of the
“lost causes” is loved by and has great worth in Father’s eyes; He never gives up
on anyone…therefore we as His children should “Never Give Up” on anyone as
Christ’s Body (Church); and we need to follow Jesus’ lead and bring two very
powerful tools to bare: Grace & Truth these are God’s tools of Restoration.
Opening Reading: John 1:14-17 (Grace & Truth); Romans 3:19-20 (Truth/Law)
Key Element: God’s love in you must be permeating you and motivating you to
bring Grace & Truth. If love isn’t changing you…if love isn’t motivating you then
then you’ll only do more HARM!
Point: All GRACE does harm, when we ignore the TRUTH; and All TRUTH does
harm, when we ignore the GRACE!
Reading: Mark 10:17-21
• vv.17 - Buttered Jesus Up, “Good Teacher;” Does he recognize Jesus as Messiah,
• vv. 20 - “Good” because I’ve KEPT- I’m a “Law Keeper,” therefore I’m “Good.”
• vv.21 - “Look” (GK-Emblepo=Straight At; Thinking About); and “Loved” (GKagapao=
Showed Love, Take Pleasure in; Regard As Valuable).”
• vv.21 - Jesus gives him HOPE that, “God has great plans.”
Question: Can you and I call people to the great plans God has for them?
Illustration (Dee): A young lady that I know who has an incredible gift with children.
She has children of her own, but because of her struggle she is unable to care for
them as well as she would like to. She truly not only has the gift of teaching, but the
ability to give life to the children and the people she is around because she is such a
great encourager. I saw this gift at work one day down at the CCRC, where she
often seeks assistance in engaging her struggle (TRUTH); and pulled her aside to
encourage that gift (GRACE), and even challenged her to RISK volunteering with
our childrens ministry.
Grace & Truth in Love with Jesus…
Peter (John 1:42), “I see something in you, Simon, I see a Rock of Faith (God’s Gift of
Bold Faith; GK-Peter=Rock).”
• Wanted to strike down people…
• Wacked off a temple guards ear…
• Denied Jesus 3 times…
Point: But Jesus in Luke 22:31-32, brings both TRUTH & GRACE to bare
New Law of the Land (Same Sex Marriage)
We know and some of us agree with what the Scriptures teach…
Genesis 2 (Established Marriage between a man and a woman; Romans 1, 2 (Unnatural
Sexual Relations, and a long list of other sins) Paul calls “Depraved.” Paul
also, reminds us that beware of Passing Judgement, because we to are Law
Breakers, God’s judgement alone is “True.”
Point: Remember Jesus’ Response - He counted drunks, gluttons, tax collectors
and sinners as friends; He Valued sinners through intentional relationship; He was
Un-Shockable; He helped them cut the chains of the “False Identity” and Called Out
the “New Identity;” and He invited sinners into community (Church) and allowed God
to work using His tools of Grace & Truth in Love.
Challenge Question: Can we do the same…will we do the same?
other sermons in this series
Aug 28
Mud and the Masterpiece, Part 3
Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece
Aug 7
Mud and the Masterpiece, Part 1
Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece
Aug 30
Part XI: The Hammer of Truth, Part II
Passage: John 14:5–7 Series: Mud and The Masterpiece