May 31, 2015

Part III: Unshockable

Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece Passage: Luke 7:39–7:50

• Glutton, Drunk and Friend of Sinners
• Attitude-Mission-Heart

Questions: Think for a moment, about sinners…, law breakers, really…really jacked
up people. Who, in your minds eye, is really…really far from God? What kinds of
people put you off the most, do you find most offensive in their thinking, or their way
of life, even though you know its wrong? What folks, to you, are truly lost and

Meditation: Think for a moment…close your eyes…picture yourself at Matt’s House
on a Sunday morning, in the lobby grabbing a bite and a cup of coffee. A loud voice,
with shakey, assaultive in tone grabs your attention. You turn, then all of a sudden it
strikes you…it’s that person…the one who’s life style, thinking is at absolute odds
with yours…it’s that person you find most offensive…that convicted felon fresh from
prision; that seller of sexual that you saw getting in a car earlier in the week; that loud
mouthed slim bag of a boss that groped your friend in the office; that filthy rich, slick
and slippery business man that will say anything, betray anybody and work any
angle to close the deal. That person, who in your eyes really doesn’t deserve God’s
love, forgiveness, hope and promise of restoration to a new life.
Question: What kind of person came to your mind, what is it that makes them so
offensive to you? What makes them Non-Redeemable?

Non-Redeemable (Examples)

Reading: Luke 19:5 (Zacchaeus) - A chief tax collector, IRS Chief if you will, who
used his power, position and control of the money given him by his Roman
oppressors to not just a tax collector, but a cunning lying, cheating, manipulating and
hustler…Zacchaeus, was Far from God, by his own estimation, and those he stole
from and the religious leaders. But Jesus says, “Come down, Zacchaeus. I’m
staying at your house tonight (Luke 19:5).”

Reading: John 4:13-14 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well) - Married and divorced 5
times, in another “hook up” when she met Jesus; an outcast because of her
behavior: Sex with a man outside of marriage the context God established. In some
regard, it is how the church views gays. Jesus wasn’t shocked, stand offish…no
Jesus drew near her, spoke with her, listened to her, and offered her “Living Water,”
everyone who drinks the water this world offers as restorative, “will be thirsty again,
but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him
will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:13-14).

Simon the Pharisee invites Jesus to dinner with his religious friends they want to
take him a part 1 Law at a time. A courageous prostitute wanders in looking for
Jesus, her only hope. Everyone recognizes her and the judgement and
condemnation roll, unwavering she walks over to Jesus, overwhelmed with a sense
of hope, tears of joy fall on the Masterpiece Restorer’s feet. She falls to her knees,
washes his feet and anoints them with perfume. The Pharisees all the while staring
Jesus down, judging him with their eyes, with their body language and finally Simon
says what everyone was thinking. Then Jesus shares a story, asks a question and
teaches the Pharisees a lesson on forgiveness (v.40).
• Reading: Luke 7:39-50

Note the difference in Reaction…Pharisees vs. Jesus in each situation:
Pharisees = Judgement, Condemnation, and they bring the Shame!
• Question: Would you be more like the Pharisee or Jesus?
• Question: Who are the people that you secret believe are Non-Redeemable?
• Question: Do you tend to look for the weakness, and faults of others to that you can
bring out the fact that you see yourself better than?
• Question: How about it, could you cover your sin debt, or did Jesus have to?
Jesus = Through Relationship, Jesus shows mercy, love, acceptance, brings the
hope of restoration and makes the Masterpiece aware of the forgiveness that’s
Jesus points NOT TO THE SIN IDENTITY, but to THE NEW IDENTITY that He alone
makes possible for us all.

Reading: Ephesians 2:3-5
Our Sin/Mud is always condemning us, but in Christ we have a New Identity…in His
grace, Christ is bringing Restoration.
• Question: Are you, as an individual, ready to offer restorative relationship to all
muddied people?
• Point: Remember, how you see people matters more than what you say or do!
Go and Be Like Jesus…UNSHOCKABLE…LOVE on the MUDDY!


other sermons in this series