Part II: Your Attitude...Your Mission...Your Heart
Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece Passage: Ephesians 2:8–2:10
Opening Reading: Ephesians 2:8-10
• Introduction
Remember the Illustration that we launched this new Series from…?
You and I are Muddied, Grime Covered, Messy Master Pieces who need a
Master Artist’s, a Restoration Expert to bring out the intended beauty…
• NLT “Workmanship” = “Masterpiece”
• “Saved” = (GK-Sodzo) Carried to Safety, Made Whole, Restored to Original
Remember we were contrasting Jesus with some of the religious leaders of the day,
the Pharisees. Jesus walked with, loved on, encouraged the lost, the lonely, the
religious outcasts of the day. The Pharisees were hell bend on judging them.
Jesus attracted, the Pharisees repelled.
We pointed out that most people see Christians: judgmental…critical…merciless…
hypocrits = Play Actors.
• Question: Do you Repel or Attract “Jacked Up Folks”? How do you handle that?
Attitude Adjustment
Question: Are you a Play Actor, a critic…a judge…merciless?
They say that 75-80% of our communication is NONE VERBAL, in other words its our
body language and our eye movement that speaks the loudest, NOT our words.
• Point: As Followers of Christ, Masterpieces, Restoration Projects, we are called to be
“TOOLS” in the hands of the Master Restorer!
• Question: Is your heart naturally “For” the most muddied?
• Question: Is your will, “Good” toward others?
• Question: Do you believe that the most muddied have great value & worth to
• Question: Or, are you secretly disgusted, bothered, critical and shocked by the
Gospel of Mud Management vs. Gospel of Restoring Grace
(Clean Self Up) (Master Cleans Up Our Mess)
• Question: Which Gospel do you live out?
• Question: Do you find yourself pointing out the beauty…or the mud in people?
Point: It directly impacts your heart for people…Pharisee vs. Jesus’.
Reading: John 14:12
Reading: Ephesians 2:10
• Works = Walk In & Live In
Point: What you do, how you do it, and your heart toward others while you do it,
Question: Are you on the WRONG MISSION?
The Pharisees were “Reformers” in their day; the Prided themselves…
• In counter acting the moral decay;
• Being evangelistic making converts and teaching them to value and live the
Mosaic Law;
• There understanding, teaching, and their own ability to live by the Law and the
Question: Do today’s Followers of Christ get caught up in this same WRONG
Heart Of Jesus
The Pharisees failed because they were NOT FOR PEOPLE, they were FOR
THEMSELVES, one word…PRIDE - a sense that I am better than you drove them
and it repelled the lost and the broken
Reading: Matthew 9:11-13
• Pharisees - Highly Critical, Judgmental, Label Makers, Compassionless, Sinner
• Jesus - Hanging with and friend of sinner: drinkers, liars, manipulators, lacking in
good and decent moral conduct.
Question: Were the Pharisees “Healthy” or just “Hiding?” How about you?
Point: Jesus’ heart was for both the Pharisee and the Sinner, “Learn…Mercy.”
Closing - Handout with Questions & Suggested Reading
other sermons in this series
Aug 28
Mud and the Masterpiece, Part 3
Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece
Aug 7
Mud and the Masterpiece, Part 1
Speaker: Rob Benson Series: Mud and The Masterpiece
Aug 30
Part XI: The Hammer of Truth, Part II
Passage: John 14:5–7 Series: Mud and The Masterpiece