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The invasion, occupation, and oppression was self-inflicted, a result of the leaders and peoples rebellion against God. Their depressive state and experience, the gloom and distress, was self-imposed, and born out of choices that opposed their God and His Way. The result, a humbling.

Ever found yourself pounding your chest, leaning in hard, mouth wide open, barking, "I'm RIGHT!" You're WRONG! I think that certainly describes the times we are in as a people and as a nation. All the finger pointing in the world won't rescue a single "Lost" soul. Jesus' answer to this finger pointing, is striking, challenging and potentially, life altering for the ones who choose it.

Trapped by indecision, fear, a looming sense of failure; there is a Way Out, the psalmist calls it sweeter than honey. Want a taste...? A followers way through the mess, simple, seemingly insignificant, YES, but real. How to endure temptation, from a simple fool.

"That Hits!" I've heard and seen this expression used a ton on social media lately. But really, does it HIT?! "My eyes shed streams of water..." This expression that "HITS," why? Tears because we DO NOT KEEP Your law.

When God's people cry-out with hearts bent low, seeking forgiveness, He responds to their earnest prayers according to His will! At the cross we see the ultimate act of intercession, in both the action and words of Christ, SAVIOR!

Turning to God, pleading for His forgiveness out of our sorrow filled confession, because we as a people have gone our own, destructive, way draws the heart...the ear...the gaze of God towards us.

Daniel pleads with God, who is merciful and forgiving, to bring His people back home from their enslavement Babylon. Daniel's prayer challenges us today, to get real and pray for God's divine intervention. Today in America we need God, if we don't get RIGHT with Him, we as a people are in deep trouble, just like Israel in their rebellion.

Everybody needs Do-Over moments in their lives! No matter how good your estimate is of YOU, if you're honest, they're some NOT so good things in your thinking, your feeling and even your actions. We all would love to have a do-over.

“The Way Up, is Down,” a phrase one of my favorite pastors, Derrick Prince, used to describe the act of “Humbling Yourself.” Over the next several weeks we’ll focus our attention on the theme of, Repentance. Specifically, “A Living Repentance,” meaning, you’re proximity to the Light, exposes your darkness and demands you’re turning from darkness to light!

What tool is available to ALL, when put into play, eliminates the dominating RULE of the destructive forces that are always working: in our hearts, heads and the world to take us DOWN, and OUT?