
"That Hits!" I've heard and seen this expression used a ton on social media lately. But really, does it HIT?!

I guess we need to come up with another way to draw attention to something, someone, or maybe even ourselves. “That Hits!” Hey you! Pay attention! Notice me, Notice me! That’s crazy! That’s awesome! That’s Wack! Etc., etc., etc.

Try this on for some attention getting…

"My eyes shed streams of tears because your law is not kept.” (Psalm 119:136, NRSV)


This guy’s getting down to it, TRUTH! Now, that “HITS!”

What about you, as a whole our nation has gone it’s own way. We’ve literally lost our minds, and in so doing, we’ve lost heart, and of course, lost our way. It’s always amazing to me when I watch the news, listen to lectures from our esteemed leaders that it’s OK to lie to people, even when the facts expose the lies. So, our “eyes shed tears,” not because we got it all right, NO, but because we’ve got it all WRONG, and we keep denying it! Lying to ourselves! Now that’s being trapped in ADDICTION, what’s the addiction, we think we’re RIGHT when we’re WRONG!

YES, we humans got it all WRONG! The psalmist “HITS” it on the head, tears are shed, “because your law is NOT kept.” We DON’T do what God says, we do what we want. The psalmist and his people struggled with the same plight, my way, or God’s way.

And the psalmists REAL response to the REAL problem…

“Turn to me and be gracious to me, as is your custom towards those who love your name. Keep my steps steady according to your promise, and never let iniquity have dominion over me. Redeem me from human oppression, that I may keep your precepts. Make your face shine upon your servant, and teach me your statutes.” (Psalm 119:132-135, NRSV)

Needing a REAL, “HIT,” the psalmist cries out, prayerfully, to God for the assist! He zeros in on the real issue; the HUMAN, the HUMAN PLAN, the HUMAN INTELLECT, the HUMAN POWERED not by God but by SELF, that’s the real “HIT!,” the REAL problem.

The real issue is the you and the me, in the equation. We’ve got the iniquity issue, criminal feeling, thinking, living is our problem and it has dominates & destroys us. Driving us to harm ourselves, those we love, and others. We need a “BUY BACK,” God to redeem us from the oppression we seem to welcome in by, decriminalizing ALL that we once considered wrong.

Now, that “HITS!,” that rings true. That’s the WOW, the psalmist is speaking to.

“Your decrees are wonderful; therefore my soul keeps them. The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.” (Psalm 119:129-130, NRSV)

Anybody? How’s that for TRUTH that “HITS!”?

It’s in doing it God’s “Wonderful” Way, from the deepest recesses in our being, our SOUL; that we discover how God’s Word brings TRUE illumination and pours understanding into the…


That’s me and you, the “SIMPLE.”

The psalmist put’s it like this…

“With open mouth I pant, because I long for your commandments.” (Psalm 119:131, NRSV)

Will you join the psalmist, will you join me in being SIMPLE…


“Shed streams of tears, because God’s law is NOT kept!” (Psalm 119:36, NRSV)

Now try something that really “HITS!” Sorry, someone who really “HITS!,” God and His Way!

Pant with a thirsty soul, and opened mouth…
Long for Father’s commandments to thrive in and through YOU!

Keep it “SIMPLE!”

God “HITS!”

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