If your honest, you've probably ridden your life down into the flames pretending that you've still got it together, eventually there is a moment of truth that dangles there in front of you like a life preserver. The question then is simple, do I surrender to my reality and grab it; or do I keep pretending and drown?

One of the greatest kings of antiquity ran into this exact dilemma.  It all began with a simple choice, born out of an "I've arrived, all by myself," attitude.  David, King of the Nation of Israel, decided to stay home during the early spring, which was normally the season for battle; a season for kings to lead there armies into battle as warriors.  David strolling on the roof of his palace spied a beauty bathing on her roof top, naked.  Knowing who she was, and that she was married to one of his soldiers, and even after being warned by the servant he sent to retrieve her for his pleasures, that she belonged to another the king, abusing his God given authority to rule and care for his people, summoned her, slept with her and even got her pregnant.  Next David, sends orders to the commander of his armies, Joab, summoning Uriah home for a well deserved rest and an opportunity to get intimate with his wife Bathsheba, in a desperate attempt to cover up his wrongs.  After three failed cover ups, and eventually, ordering the death of Uriah on the field of battle David, still ignorant and unaware of his culpability is confronted by God through a prophet named Nathan.

The confrontation drove David to his knees, and it is in this place of surrender to the reality that he himself created, where he has a moment of truth with the only One who can rescue the drowning...God.  Here in this place of complete honesty with God, that David pens a most moving and powerful poem, "Create in me a pure heart, O God..."  David, brought low by his own thoughts, actions and conniving, rediscovers that outside of God he is left to his own devices which he sums up with these self-condemning words, "Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight..."  "For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me."

It is in the recognition of what is right or wrong, in me as defined by God, that I see my need for rescue, like David, and sometimes with a little help from God through a prophet, God-Liaison, like Nathan that drives me to my knees in surrender.  Here in this place, where I am drowning, I find God, my life preserver, like David I utter these most beautiful words, "Have mercy on me, O God, according to your UNFAILING LOVE!"

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