Everybody needs Do-Over moments in their lives! No matter how good your estimate is of YOU, if you're honest, they're some NOT so good things in your thinking, your feeling and even your actions. We all would love to have a do-over. What opens the door to the second chance we're all looking for? John the Baptist challenged ALL folks to Repent and Believe, this is the ONLY way to and through the second chance moment we ALL so desperately need. It's a movement, AWAY from YOU, and Back to God.
I see folks seemingly trapped with no way to turn, on the run, or downright stuck in the mud of dark, smelly depression. Heck, I've been in all those places during my 58 years revolutions around the sun.
That said, I've found the secret to the way forward! It's available to anyone, and it doesn't require super human strength, exceptional intellect, or even will power that's like steel. As a matter of fact, it only requires one thing from you.
Mark, an early follower of the Way, records happenings in the early days of Christ's ministry. He reports after John the Baptist's arrest, that he was taken into custody for calling folks to turn back to God, and away from their destructive ways of living, and then Jesus started preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God, Mark 1:24-15 (AMP).
"Now after John [the Baptist] was arrested and [a] taken into custody, Jesus went to Galilee, preaching the good news of [the kingdom of] God, and saying, 'The [appointed period of] time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent [change your inner self--your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God's purpose for your life] and believe [with a deep, abiding trust] in the good news [regarding salvation].'"
So, back to the one thing that's required from you, required from me for that Do-Over movement, it's a change starting from within yourself: a purging of your old way of seeing and thinking about life; a real heart felt sorrow for the harm you've done to both self and others; with an active-intentional shift in how you live day in and day out. This is the movement that John the Baptist challenged folks to step into; and it's the same movement Jesus - Savior - is inviting you and I into.
Early Tuesday morning, I was sitting with God, reflecting on how I might have failed my children, who are both in their mid-twenties now. God brought a memory to mind, from several years ago concerning my daughter Faith. She was making some significant changes which would ultimately lead to her move a crossed the country, and my wife and I were struggling with this move in her life. Of course, you say, your daughter is growing up and stepping into doing her own life, her own way. Yes, that's exactly it, and exactly right. But it was still a difficult moment.
The agony that I was experiencing, was grating and dull, but the turmoil was real and it lingered for over a year. There was a challenge that I, as a Dad and a man of God charged with training up my children in the way they should go, should have been more intentional and direct about bringing. Of course, I touched on relevant matters, but I certainly was not as direct and clear as I could have been.
Have you ever soft peddled something because if was sensitive or you didn't want to bring harm; or maybe, you drove something forcefully, demanding adherence to your wishes, and ultimately did grave harm. Perhaps, you kept silent, hoping it would magically, all work out perfectly. Whichever way you may have chosen to respond, in your gut, you know, it was wrong.
That's exactly where I found my self, I chose to error on the "soft peddle," hoping my hints would make the appropriate impact.
I was wrong! (FYI-Critical realization and admission to self, and to God).
Today, waiting on God in what He brought to my minds eye, to my heart, into my NOW; I heard God answer my question, "How have I failed my children?" The good news is, God didn't pile on, He laid on me, exactly what I needed to deal with in THIS MOMENT.
And so, I responded to the admonishment by receiving the truth God was laying down, acknowledged my short-coming between me and God; and I spent some time reflecting on how my choice to "soft peddle" has impacted the lives I deeply care about, this includes sitting in sorrow and tasting some more agony. I don't think this is all over yet, I'm sure I'll be revisiting this with God in the near future, as He continues to do His "Turning" me away from me, and back toward Him, His Perfect Way. His Way, will surely require, changes in my thinking, feeling and actions.
This realization won't change the past, or the effects of my "soft peddle" choice, nor will it change the current situation; but it has taught me that "Turning" to God, and AWAY from me is my best option, which offers the best outcomes. And the good news about the "Best Outcome," is it's not my responsibility, God is bringing about His "Good" and I can just trust Him with that, simply put, "Believe" in God's deep, soul-salvage work with in me and keep on seeking and responding to God and doing life His Way, instead of mine.
How about you...you got the same problem I have?
Need a SOLUTION: Take some time, sit in silence, away from people, distractions, demands.
Question: Hey God, it's me. I'm here and just want to get right, is there any wrong I need to bring to the table?
Question: God, what sorrow must I carry because my wrong, how have I hurt folks, including myself?
Question: Hey God, what would you have me to do to right my wrong, repair the wound(s) I've inflicted regarding others? Regarding, self?
Plea...God, forgive me, thank you for "Turning" me back to you, and away from me; guide me into doing right. Thank you. Amen.
Now, just get busy, get the "Right" done, be encouraged, if you "Believe" you'll certainly be powered by Him, and remember God is the Super-Natural One! Everywhere present, all knowing, and all powerful, you are in the BEST Hands, ever!
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