
Daniel pleads with God, who is merciful and forgiving, to bring His people back home from their enslavement Babylon. Daniel's prayer challenges us today, to get real and pray for God's divine intervention. Today in America we need God, if we don't get RIGHT with Him, we as a people are in deep trouble, just like Israel in their rebellion.  Daniel's prayer to God on behalf of his people, the jews,

"O Lord, we and our kings, our princes and our fathers are covered with shame because we have sinned against you the Lord our God is merciful and forgiving even though we have rebelled against him; we have not obeyed the Lord our God or kept the laws he gave us through his servants the prophets.  All Israel has transgressed your law and turned away, refusing to obey you." (Daniel 9:8-11, NIV)

Daniel lays it all down, he gets real with God about how his own people turned their backs on God: our kings, our princes and our fathers...  

In other words, everyone has made a choice, from the most powerful to the least, ALL have sinned, ALL have gone their own way, ALL have broken God's law, ALL were disobedient, ALL have  "transgressed" violated and "turned away refusing to obey You," (Daniel 9:11, NIV).

Question:  How is this plea of Daniel's, this confession and ask for mercy and forgiveness relevant to US, right now?

Question:  How has our nation turned against God, violated His law, gone their own way?

Question:  How has the church, here in America, turned against God, not doing life His way?

Will you join me, as our election approaches, in seeking God with Daniel's kind of heart; will you join me in a good and right confession, an admission to God that me and you, along with the rest of America, have turned away refusing to obey?

Will you join me, and spend sometime reflecting on how we as a nation are in violation of God's way, His law; additionally, will you get real about how the church as strayed, and turned away?

Then, spend sometime bent toward God, on your knees or on your face pleading with God that He might RELENT, that He might show us His mercy, that He might forgive us ALL in our REBELLION!

God doesn't play, their are consequences to rebellion and we are the ones responsible for any curse, any judgement that follows our choice to rebel!

What will you do?



1 Comment

Our choices, even to the very basic things of what we eat shows are disobedience Our unwillingness to lay down our lives for those around us in need and suffering. Our unwillingness to beat our bodies into submission as Paul did. We need to pray and ask for forgiveness.

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