A Tall Order, Who Rules?
What tool is available to ALL, when put into play that eliminates the dominating RULE of destructive forces that are always at work: in our hearts, heads and the world which is bent on take us DOWN, and OUT?
There is this passage in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 14, verse 26, that is disturbing, and disruptive as it should be demanding our attention, our questioning, our seeking of truth...
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.
Wow, Jesus, are you serious?
Context is everything! When I read these words, my first thoughts are words my autistic son Jesse often utters to me, "that's pretty harsh, Rob." Agreed, Jesse, that is pretty harsh.
Jesus never utters a word, without context and perspective. This hard word, from the mouth of God, through His Son, Jesus is part of a larger conversation that He was engaged in with a group of know it all's, nay sayer's, who were bent on shaming, silencing, and eliminating Him. Again, the Pharisees, were on the attack! Again, their jealousy and pride was on full display, they'd set a trap, invited Him over for a sabbath meal, and were, "watching Him closely," GOAL: Find the flaw they could use to literally, take Jesus out, (Luke 14:1).
Jesus, disregarding, those who'd lured Him in, to take Him out turned His FULL attention to the afflicted man who desperately needed a shepherds HELP and, "took hold of him and healed him, and sent him away (Luke 14:4)," a forbidden act on the sabbath, a holy day set aside by the faithful to honor God. Was it really a forbidden act, to heal, in God's eyes?
Jesus, tells a story, continuing His challenge/lesson, for the religious leaders, calling them out because they seemed to be consumed with clawing their way to the top, seeking out the seat of honor, in every public gathering, Luke 14:11.
"For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
WOW, that had to piss off the know it all's. Jesus continues His straight talking assault against the arrogance, and condescension of the pharisees. His deepest desire, that these learned men of God, would grasp the reality of their calling as shepherds charged to care for God's people. Instead, they slander, gossip, accuse, and condemn attempting to elevate themselves above, to rule over, and to dominate those they were meant to care for.
This last round of truth, meant to beckon the hearts of the pharisee home to God and His ways, shot a crossed their bow, exposing the reality in each of their hearts. This last story, Jesus tells us about a man throwing a party, he'd had invitations sent out, "come; for everything is ready now" (Luke 14:16-17). The invited guests, ALL had better things to do, so the man had invitations sent out to, "the poor and crippled and blind and lame" (Luke 14:21), many of the societal rejects and outcasts came, but NOT all. In a last attempt to fill the house the man invited the criminal, lost and homeless, those in the wilderness, "along the highways and along the hedges," hoping to compel them to fill the house (Luke 14:23), many of them came, some did NOT. Then, Jesus speaks these most exasperating words to the religious leaders, supposed shepherds of His flock, Luke 14:24:
"I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.”
Why? Because they CHOOSE not to COME.
As these stories hammered home God's TRUTH, exposing the dark hearts of the pharisees, Jesus wraps it up with God's lifeline TRUTH, accessible to ALL, including the arrogant religious leaders, and other invitee's who refuse to come, Luke 14:26-27:
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple."
Christ declares, that True Lover's of God, disciples, learns from the Chief Rabbi, Jesus must do life with God, FIRST, His Rule over anyone, or anything else, period!
How is this at all possible?
The CROSS of Christ, pictured in Jesus' answered, is an implement of death, a tool to kill flesh, the flesh = our will, our way, our life! So, when we learners from Christ, carry our crosses we are constantly and willing to put to death everything in us that is harmful to others, and devastating in our lives: thoughts, emotions, words and action.
In carrying our crosses, we are elevating Christ's RULE in our lives, over and above our rule, and the rule of others in our lives; Christ reigns supreme as our declared KING, His cross High and Lifted up!
In putting the CROSS to work, we impose the authority of Christ as our King over our flesh, we are Christ controlled, and we submit to His merciful and gracious rule, His authority in our lives and our relationships.
Instead of Harming, we Help!
"There in front of him was a man suffering from abnormal swelling of his body. Jesus asked the Pharisees and experts in the law, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?” But they remained silent. So taking hold of the man, he healed him and sent him on his way. Then he asked them, “If one of you has a child or an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath day, will you not immediately pull it out?” And they had nothing to say." (Luke 14:2-6)
Christ's cross is there to crucify every part of you that harms, devastates, and destroys; take responsibility of your rot and invite Christ to RULE over YOU! If you rule & reign, you will continue to bring ruin to yourself, and others.
Balls in your court, HELP is available, elevate the Cross! Christ's got YOU!
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