God IS with Us!
God IS with Us...do you know, yes here for JUST you!...Keep Reading
God IS with Us...do you know, yes here for JUST you!...Keep Reading
It's surrendering to Christ's rule in your life in utter obedience because of God's demonstrated love for you and your absolute trust in Him that we are empowered to practice what we profess, living out the Gospel of Christ in an, world impacting way, through our daily interactions with our neighbors....Keep Reading
Oozing Christ, the power and transformational impact of Christ in the flesh is lived out in the everyday of a true followers life. Are you? Matthew 5:1-20...Keep Reading
Meet a God who is ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED to you and powerfully demonstrates His commitment, not just in words but deeds! He SHOWS UP, guaranteed!...Keep Reading
A series of messages that examine the life of Abram, the father of the nation of Israel and of all humanity, as he struggles through learning to do life trusting God instead of himself. Join our Matt's House family on the Get Real journey of a life-time! Nothing and no one will challenge or change you life the God of Abraham....Keep Reading
As inspiration for this coming Friday night Worship & Prayer meeting I would just like to offer a few verses from 1 Timothy and a quote of Watchman Nee’s. ...Keep Reading
As Christmas is fast approaching, I’ve been surprised by momentary glimpses into the “Reason for the Season.” Its real meaning seemingly more and more obscured, God choosing to step into humanity, literally the Divine willingly entering into the flesh and bones of a man as a gift for all men!...Keep Reading
Mercy is loving kindness toward someone without regard of merit or judgment. God’s mercy is manifested in our salvation, healing and help in any desperate situation. As God is merciful we too, are to be merciful. And, be encouraged that we can trust the Lord for mercy in any time of need....Keep Reading
If your honest, you've probably ridden your life down into the flames pretending that you've still got it together, eventually there is a moment of truth that dangles there in front of you like a life persevere. The question then is simple, do I surrender to my reality and grab it; or do I keep pretending and drown?...Keep Reading
Over the next two weeks we'll dig into the "Psalms" some of the most thought provoking, heart exposing and life altering literature that continues to comfort, confront and encourage even in todays world of tweets, posts, and picture grams (Instagram)....Keep Reading