Pray church, pray! Report of assassination attempt on Trump at rally. Prayer for our nation, leaders, and people. Lord help us, expose evil doers, direct righteous leaders. Move in power, and truth. Lord, Amen...Keep Reading
Encountering a stranger on the road who changes your life forever! That's what two men discovered when they were headed to Emmaus, about 7 miles Northwest of Jerusalem....Keep Reading
Remembering Christ's Cross, we'll follow in Christ's footsteps as he moves toward His God given destiny, the greatest implement of death ever designed, the cross....Keep Reading
The time of God's coming,RECOGNIZE it? Palm Sunday, isn't just about cool palm branches, it's an announcement of sorts, an invite to you and me; it's a time out for DECISION! With God there is NO wiggle room! ...Keep Reading
Christ's Cross, is our stumbling block, its reality demands our decision. This is NOT an after thought, it's the ONLY thought that counts for ETERNITY, even for those who have deny the soul, in exchange for the material....Keep Reading
"Fake It Until You Make It!" I've heard so many folks share this sentiment in the different circles I travel, almost like it was a mantra to encourage them on their life's journey, but is it sound advise?...Keep Reading
"I am He who searches Minds and Hearts!" Wow! What a bold, and cutting statement from the mouth of Christ to the churches. It's a wake up call directing us ALL to repentance. Though some us may bring God's love, live in faith, serve others, persevere through and even have greater works than we had at first; these do NOT amount to anything if we continue in rebellion, lusting after and indulging in sexual immorality according to God's TRUTH. ...Keep Reading
Christ is the ultimate DISRUPTER! The challenge to the church today, is the same challenge that John the apostle brought to the early church. Join us as we review the messages brought to: Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum....Keep Reading
All of us struggle with BELIEF, not just to get to heaven, but that God can and will CHANGE you progressively, heal you and make you more and more whole. That's a more complete salvation. Need some of that?...Keep Reading
Help, for REAL, we need it! So, where does yours come from? There's an ancient book, that stands above the rest for ALL TIME, here you will find the answer, if you dare. Will you stand with me and PRAY for the Peace of Jerusalem....Keep Reading