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The invasion, occupation, and oppression was self-inflicted, a result of the leaders and peoples rebellion against God. Their depressive state and experience, the gloom and distress, was self-imposed, and born out of choices that opposed their God and His Way. The result, a humbling.

Ever found yourself pounding your chest, leaning in hard, mouth wide open, barking, "I'm RIGHT!" You're WRONG! I think that certainly describes the times we are in as a people and as a nation. All the finger pointing in the world won't rescue a single "Lost" soul. Jesus' answer to this finger pointing, is striking, challenging and potentially, life altering for the ones who choose it.

Trapped by indecision, fear, a looming sense of failure; there is a Way Out, the psalmist calls it sweeter than honey. Want a taste...? A followers way through the mess, simple, seemingly insignificant, YES, but real. How to endure temptation, from a simple fool.

"That Hits!" I've heard and seen this expression used a ton on social media lately. But really, does it HIT?! "My eyes shed streams of water..." This expression that "HITS," why? Tears because we DO NOT KEEP Your law.

When God's people cry-out with hearts bent low, seeking forgiveness, He responds to their earnest prayers according to His will! At the cross we see the ultimate act of intercession, in both the action and words of Christ, SAVIOR!

Turning to God, pleading for His forgiveness out of our sorrow filled confession, because we as a people have gone our own, destructive, way draws the heart...the ear...the gaze of God towards us.

Daniel pleads with God, who is merciful and forgiving, to bring His people back home from their enslavement Babylon. Daniel's prayer challenges us today, to get real and pray for God's divine intervention. Today in America we need God, if we don't get RIGHT with Him, we as a people are in deep trouble, just like Israel in their rebellion.

Everybody needs Do-Over moments in their lives! No matter how good your estimate is of YOU, if you're honest, they're some NOT so good things in your thinking, your feeling and even your actions. We all would love to have a do-over.

“The Way Up, is Down,” a phrase one of my favorite pastors, Derrick Prince, used to describe the act of “Humbling Yourself.” Over the next several weeks we’ll focus our attention on the theme of, Repentance. Specifically, “A Living Repentance,” meaning, you’re proximity to the Light, exposes your darkness and demands you’re turning from darkness to light!

What tool is available to ALL, when put into play, eliminates the dominating RULE of the destructive forces that are always working: in our hearts, heads and the world to take us DOWN, and OUT?

A son of Korah, in Psalm 85:4, makes a plea before His God, "Restore us again, O God our Savior, and put away your displeasure toward us." His nation, it's leaders and therefore it's people had turned their backs God. Reminding all, God recuses, one of the sons of Korah, makes this plea, ultimately, a cry from a hope filled heart, an act of faith, an intimate overture towards God, please HELP!

Independence from oppression, this theme, the foundation stone of the American Rebellion against Great Britain is a chief purpose of Christ coming, life of service, sacrificial death and victorious resurrection. He came to set us FREE!

Join us this Sunday for a movie, brunch and a reflective discussion as we enjoy another episode of "The Chosen, Invitations."

90% of ALL CHRISTIANS KILLED for their faith are in one nation – Nigeria. This is a genocidal nightmare, and the world is deafeningly silent. Take Action!

Join us as we consider the vital role Father's play in the development of great human beings, and celebrate the calling of a new elder to our Matt's House Church Lead Team.

Jesus' journey to the cross, often referred to as Jesus' Passion, join our troop of the broke, lost, hurting, and the lonely as we follow Jesus to His CROSS. Passion Week...Jesus

The Blood of Jesus Speaks, as criminals, ALL OF US, before God we stand CONDEMNED! Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins, testifies the writer of Hebrews (Heb 9:22). So how about you, think you got problems beyond your power to control, think you got the purest of hearts, think you've never hurt others?

God Stories Gathering, this Sunday at Matt's House Church, join our family and hear how God is at work in the lives of those He loves sooooo...much!

Come and remember & join the celebration as we REMEMBER the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Death and the grave COULD NOT conquer JESUS!

Matt's House church family gathering at the foot of the cross, remembering Christ's rescuing execution! We'll meet at 7:30pm, Friday April 2, 2021 on the bus stop at Maple Ave. and East Drive, Arbutus, Maryland 21227.

James shares his heart regarding living in The Way of New Life. James, Jesus' half brother and the leader of the early church in Jerusalem penned this message to encourage the scattered tribes of Israel that were under severe religious persecution and fled to the surrounding pagan nations.

The Greatest Reason To Give Thanks... During Thanksgiving the ramp up to Christmas becomes most evident when go to the local mall or big box retail stores like Target, Walmart, TJ Max, and the like. We American's show our thankfulness by going on spending spree's mostly buying gifts for loved ones and friends, and sometimes, perhaps treating ourselves to a few special things that are written in our letters to Santa. Maybe we're celebrating our good fortune by spending our fortune? Maybe we're just glad we are surviving corona? Maybe we're just escaping the trauma we endured during the election? Whatever it is...we Americans celebrate Thanksgiving by spending, Black Friday, am I right.

During the COVID19 stay at home order; take time to personally reflect on the beautiful act of sacrifice that Christ, God's Son, made on our behalf. No church services, and no meetings to physically attend; so it's time to STOP and Be With God, the Father.

As a means of growing our relational connection at Matt's House Church and serving our neighbors we've developed Family Groups, many are formed from our Bible Study groups that you might already have been attending.

Our priority during this new season remains the same, loving God and loving each other.

A survey through the Gospel of Mark, we glimpse Jesus Christ, the God-Man, unleashing His Holy offering rescue for the unholy world, that's me and you.

"But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinks upon me." Is that really how you see yourself? In our culture, in America, is it ok do see yourself in this light? Do you want to see yourself in that way, poor and needy. Do you believe that this statement is true to who you are, how you live, how others perceive you to be, poor and needy? David, the greatest king Israel ever had laid claim to these words, describing his state of being, poor and needy. A king poor? A king needy? How can that be...

Walking in the way of rescue is what life with Jesus is all about, it's not about the "Golden Ticket" to heaven, it's about real relationship with God!

Christ's Cross Words, what wisdom can we gain? If we haven't paid attention to Christ's words up to the moments before his death, If we haven't regarded how he did life on this earth up to now...maybe, just maybe it's time to pay attention.

Christ in the Hebrew Seder, join your Matt's House Church family this Resurrection Sunday at the Arbutus Town Hall 1349 Stevens Avenue; Luncheon to follow immediately!

In a culture where "BEING SERVED" has become such a thing, with GrubHub, DoorDash, Uber, Lyfte, and apps that allow you to place your order, have it prepped and waiting for you when you arrive, just like you want it, to grab and go it's obvious that we crave "Being Served." Let's be honest, it's nice being catered to, having somebody that's attentive and responsive to your every desire and whim. But does this really serve our humanity well? Does being served, really make us happy?

Is there someone in your life who has the power to literally shut the mouths of the lions that you face daily, those lions who seek to devour you and leave your carcass in a rotting heap? Do you feel the torment of internal predators growling threats to take you down or maybe it's the ferocious pride, surrounding your daily life, and unrelentingly stalking, waiting to pounce and tear you a part the moment you're most vulnerable?

Humanism, is defined as an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. We are reaping the consequences of what we've sown, but will we, humans take responsibility for what we've sown?

Who or what is your idol? It matters. Most of the time we don't think of life in terms of idols, but we all have them. If we slow down, and take a moment to evaluate our existence here on planet earth what we give our lives away to will soon become apparent. Really, anything or anyone can be an idol. What's an idol, you ask?

The Fire-Storms of life happen, they are inevitable! How do you withstand them in a world where humanity is quickly, but surely losing its moorings: truth, character, dignity, morality and values no longer matter. "Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods... ," as a song from my youth once put it... In a world where it's all about "Me" we've lost the strength of community that aids in facing the Fire-Storms of daily life. "The street wise hercules," often only found in video games, marvel movies, grid-iron gladiators and books, there demand begs a question, why are we crave a virtual or alternate reality world where we embody the spirit of heroic, non-existent beings?

The samaritan woman, one who was "Lit" by her encounter with Christ, was the least likely candidate to bring light to her people, but that's who Jesus most often chooses.

Faith in Action - Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. Hebrews 11:1-2

"To Be Lit," a candle that chooses to be "Lit," to be light, to walk according to the Spirit, in the Spirit, becomes light to a dark and hurting world, this is the story of the "Good Samaritan."

The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. The incarnation of Christ, the Light, who shines in the darkness of humanity, which has not understood this Light...Christ, the Word who was with God in the beginning.

Come have an encounter with God, He is not far off, the Bible communicates over and over again God is near, join us for a walk with God, it's time you and he had a talk.

Overcoming Depression, a walk through the book of Romans, and a survey of the Scriptures are all studies you can grow through at Matt's House Church. Come and grow with us! This world needs who YOU are!

Join us this Sunday as Pastor Edwin Lacey from Hope Presbytarian Church of Arbutus encourages us in our Loving God!

Get Baptized this Sunday at Matt's House Church and declare YOUR connectedness to Christ for EVER!

The Beauty of The Cross

Jesus revealing the Father's true heart toward lost and hurting humanity, and exposing an ugliness that lays within each of our hearts a self-righteous spirit that judges itself better than and therefore more deserving than another.

God goes after lost ones for the rescue, and at ALL COST! The problem is pride, are you a lost one?

We are all lost, God searches for and rescues, and when you become a rescued one who was once a lost one, you become willing to let go of this world, it's demands and even relational ties to walk with a lost one so that they might be found! A selfless whatever it takes, now thats a counter cultural revolutionary movement of LOVE!

Out Casts Invited! Often we like to think our society and even the church is inclusive. The corporate world, governments, cause crusaders from every walk of life love throwing that word around claiming they are inclusive, want to become inclusive or they are intentionally exclusive. As the father of a "Differing Abilities" son...

Be Served or SERVE, we, most of us at least would agree that serving is what we should do, but the way we live life as American's seems to speak other wise, being served is what we really desire...

As humans, because of our capacity to reason, because of our physical strength, because our ability to create we think we are enough to make thinks RIGHT. But is that true, are we enough to make things right? And more importantly, are we enough to keep things right? What about you, is a life well spent, spent on the making and keeping things right?

Children a true gift from Heaven, or the King of Heaven, more accurately! There is nothing more imposing or important for humanity than to care for children, both while they are in the womb and after they are born. Some of the greatest atrocities that are carried out in our world are carried out AGAINST children...

We live in a lonely, disconnected, disheartened, burned out and over stimulated world! There is ONLY ONE real cure but we seem to keep discounting it, trashing it, and spinning up new ways to fix our loneliness, whether we USE people or THINGS or ENTERTAINMENT activities nothing seems to fill the void, which over time becomes more and more hopeless, NO WAY OUT!

Jesus meets the widow mourning the loss of her son, and Restores Broken; when asked if He was the long awaited Rescuing King, Christ points to God's promise and God's work, and asks them, "what do you go out to see?"

An outsider submits to Christ's authority and pleads for the healing of a dear servant and a mourning widow finds a Christ who brings new life to her dead son. Jesus restores broken. Will you bring your broken to him? Will you plead the case of the broken before him trusting Christ Alone heals?

When, in moments of silence, we finally facedown ourselves with no audience to impress or to fool and let the mask ,we’ve been hiding behind down, we are reminded that we are broken!

The paralytic and the four that went to great lengths to deliver their friend to Jesus for forgiveness & healing, digging and lowering him through a roof, we see a picture of desperation.

Creature broadcasts God's Awesomeness; His word is so power filled that it brings change into the deepest parts of our beings! Psalm 19

God IS with you know, yes here for JUST you!

It's surrendering to Christ's rule in your life in utter obedience because of God's demonstrated love for you and your absolute trust in Him that we are empowered to practice what we profess, living out the Gospel of Christ in an, world impacting way, through our daily interactions with our neighbors.

Oozing Christ, the power and transformational impact of Christ in the flesh is lived out in the everyday of a true followers life. Are you? Matthew 5:1-20

Meet a God who is ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED to you and powerfully demonstrates His commitment, not just in words but deeds! He SHOWS UP, guaranteed!

A series of messages that examine the life of Abram, the father of the nation of Israel and of all humanity, as he struggles through learning to do life trusting God instead of himself. Join our Matt's House family on the Get Real journey of a life-time! Nothing and no one will challenge or change you life the God of Abraham.

As Christmas is fast approaching, I’ve been surprised by momentary glimpses into the “Reason for the Season.” Its real meaning seemingly more and more obscured, God choosing to step into humanity, literally the Divine willingly entering into the flesh and bones of a man as a gift for all men!

If your honest, you've probably ridden your life down into the flames pretending that you've still got it together, eventually there is a moment of truth that dangles there in front of you like a life persevere. The question then is simple, do I surrender to my reality and grab it; or do I keep pretending and drown?

Over the next two weeks we'll dig into the "Psalms" some of the most thought provoking, heart exposing and life altering literature that continues to comfort, confront and encourage even in todays world of tweets, posts, and picture grams (Instagram).

Change is born out of a surrendered heart and suffering, though not our first choice, is a clear pathway to change both in you and your circumstances.

The verdict is in NOT GUILTY! We are invited to step into Christ’s Righteousness and exchange our: Sin, Guilt, Shame, Brokenness and Death because of Christ’s finished work at the cross "Change" is a REAL possibility. It is time to EMBRACE the life that you are living regardless of what it seems to throw at you. Remember if God is For YOU, then who has the power to really stand against God and His will in your life? NO ONE!

Somehow we want "Change" to be instant, just like we like our food, our purchases, our fun! We hate to wait...we hate when we don't get what we want when we want it. But "Change" doesn't always work that way, does it? So what do we do, just give up, realize we are doomed and that things just never get better? No, following Jesus as He encounters folks that are utterly hopeless, just might change how you look at change. Change = A supernaturally powered life long journey of becoming who you were always designed to "Be."

Over the next 3 weeks of this new series we will take a deeper look at where we've come from, our mission, core values, and where God has us going. If your new to The House then this will help bring you up to speed and hopefully encourage you to join the journey that God has invited us all to live out in our daily lives!

A REAL LIFE look at sex, love, marriage, singleness, culture, family and YOU! It's going to get REAL and HONEST. So choose to join the conversation and bring who you are into the journey!

No, Matt's House Sunday Gathering January 24, 2016, due to inclement weather.

During this two part series we will investigate the true state of the church looking at the hard facts and prayerfully facing the hard realities of the state of the Church in America and our own church, Matt's House Church.

In a letter to Followers of Christ living in the city of Colossai, Paul implores his fledgling church to cling to Christ and Christ's way which is absolutely superior to their old way of doing life. Paul also, challenges you and me, as modern day Followers to be dependent on Christ alone and His power to transform our lives!

As we explore this Letter of Paul’s to the Colossians lets not forget the back drop, that Following Jesus and sharing the Gospel just might cost you everything, even your life. The times were serious, the church in Colossae was being attacked from within, a group called the Gnostics were bringing a New Gospel, fundamentally different from Christ’s Gospel. The Gnostic Gospel focused preached a new, but old way to salvation; a salvation NOT through Faith in Christ, but a salvation obtained through acquiring special knowledge, and the practice of superstitious rituals, and astrology and angelology; this salvation was a mystical and magical experience to become a “Gnostic” or a “knowing one.” They believed the material world, including the flesh was evil, and therefore, attacking Christ’s Incarnation and his Deity, Christ could not be both God and Man, because the two could never co-exist. Paul as a counter, to their teachings/philosophies challenges the Colossians to remember the Gospel of Christ that originally won their hearts, minds and souls...The Real Gospel...evidenced by the changed lives of the Colossians!

We will conclude our study of Psalm 68, looking at the remainder of the psalm verses, 19-35. David, in this hymn sung during festival gatherings of the nation of Israel, reminds his people what their God has done on their behalf from the promise made to Abram, to their entrance and occupation of the Promise Land! David through prayers, praises, thanksgiving and oracles from the Lord points to Israel's God as "Divine Warrior" and "Divine Vindicator." This has not changed, God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Church He remains the God who fights on our behalf and He alone will vindicate wrongs and set things right.

The "Truth" bites! All of us have tangled with truth, if your human that is, and it most often is NOT EASY, but if we deal with it we change, life gets simpler!

Our new series, based on John Burke's, book, "Mud and The Masterpiece" will take us on a journey into our own mess, and God's deep desire to bring restoration at the Master's hands and it will help us to be more like Christ in how we demonstrate the love of God in a broken and messed up world.

No Church This Sunday, the Annual Arbutus Arts & Crafts Festival is scheduled for this Friday. Our access to the Hollywood Theater for church is a No Go! In other words, your pastor, Rob Benson is giving you permission to play hookie..., not that any of you would even normally consider it. LOL! Have a great Sunday, enjoy the festival and go down and love on a few folks...we all know this world desperately needs a lot more REAL...NO STRINGS ATTACHED kind of love.

Join us for this great opportunity to make a tangible difference in our community. All it takes is a little sweat, muscle, and maybe drop of blood or two. We'll meet at the Community Connection and Resource Center (5404 East Drive, Arbutus, MD 21227) and divide up teams to tacle the work projects.

Holy Week...Many of the details that surround Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the most holy place on earth, his last days with those dearest to Him, His arrest, trials, suffering, crucifixion and resurrection were foretold by prophets of old. The evidence is overwhelming pointing to Jesus as the promised Messiah.

Matt's House Church Sunday Gathering Canceled.

26 years later, I'm still grateful for God's gift! Not only a partner in day to day life, but a partner in the highest priority any life can have...

God's Ridiculous Grace just oozes out of every verse regarding the angelic messengers announcement to Mary concerning the birth of the promised King!

400 years of Silence, the Levites, the priests and the workers continued there ministry daily at the Temple. This day started off normal for all intents and purposes,