Posts in the #MattsHouseChurch Category


Posted onSeptember 19, 2023 | by: Rob Benson | 0 comments

Excerpt, from Christ's message to the church both in Smyrna, modern day Izmir, Turkey and to His Church TODAY! Christ's command-exhortation and commendation of these Christian's remains for us as well! "Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown-of-life." (Revelation 2:10b). REFUSE TO BE SILENCED!...Keep Reading

Can we be PEOPLE of Great Faith? Yes we CAN!

Posted onAugust 17, 2023 | by: Rob Benson | 0 comments

Christ is Coming Back, are you and I READY? Revelation = GK-Apokalypsis (An Unveiling/A Disclosure), a prophetic word of both Warning & Hope remember: Under the heavy hand of the early Roman Empire Christians were severely persecuted, John, as a follower of Christ personally experienced this extreme suffering, a picture of Great Faith, an Obedient One! ...Keep Reading